Check it out!!
24 hours
Nic has had the logo finished for the new blog for a few days now and I have been dragging my feet about getting it put up. I had all sorts of fun plans and ideas for the layout of my blog and I have since forgotten them (its been over a month!). So I am going to try to get my thoughts gathered today and get the blog up in the next 24 hours! Hopefully....
Still Waiting
Thought I should update all of my avid readers while we are waiting for my graphic designer to stop working on snowmobiles and start doing my work. (I mean that in the nicest way possible!)
I am remodeling Remy's room and the hallway. So far I am about halfway done and I am completely losing steam. Laziness has over come me in all areas of my life in the last couple days. In fact, I don't know how I am going to get up the energy to walk to the kitchen to stir the taco meat on the stove.
By the way; we are having taco salad for lunch. It is one of my absolute favorite things and is most definitely not Nic's. I estimate that approximately 60 seconds after he walks in the door he will be looking at me with puppy dog eyes asking if we have any tortilla shells. Why would you want a taco when you could have taco salad!!
Besides doing the usual things like; clean my house( o my goodness it is soooo bad right now!), make sure Remy doesn't go crazy from boredom, do my bi-weekly Target shopping (its payday but the grocery shopping is done!), go to supper at Grandma Carol's and wash Remy's clothes, I still need to do the following.
-Touch up trim paint and ceiling where I slapped random globs of paint
-Braid the strings on my Roman shade
-Try to pry up the piece of gum that has been stuck on our already nasty hall carpet for the last year
-Paint Remy's closet
-Have Nic install new shelves in Remy's closet
-Paint the wonderful bookshelf we were given for Remy's room
-Make Remy a duvet cover so he can finally start using a real blanket, which means he can start using his amazing toddler bed that was borrowed to us
-Make the temporary duvet for our bed (just to get us by until I can afford the duvet I really want)
-Finish trimming out and then painting the downstairs hall
-Finally finish painting the kitchen
-Paint the shelves for the dining room
-Put up shelves and organize the basement so we can start finishing the family room
-Paint the guest bedroom
The last 4 things will probably not be done for the next couple of weeks or month. But I really need to get the rest of the list done in the next 5 days. And its making me want to take a nap just thinking about it.
Oops Nic is home!
I am remodeling Remy's room and the hallway. So far I am about halfway done and I am completely losing steam. Laziness has over come me in all areas of my life in the last couple days. In fact, I don't know how I am going to get up the energy to walk to the kitchen to stir the taco meat on the stove.
By the way; we are having taco salad for lunch. It is one of my absolute favorite things and is most definitely not Nic's. I estimate that approximately 60 seconds after he walks in the door he will be looking at me with puppy dog eyes asking if we have any tortilla shells. Why would you want a taco when you could have taco salad!!
Besides doing the usual things like; clean my house( o my goodness it is soooo bad right now!), make sure Remy doesn't go crazy from boredom, do my bi-weekly Target shopping (its payday but the grocery shopping is done!), go to supper at Grandma Carol's and wash Remy's clothes, I still need to do the following.
-Touch up trim paint and ceiling where I slapped random globs of paint
-Braid the strings on my Roman shade
-Try to pry up the piece of gum that has been stuck on our already nasty hall carpet for the last year
-Paint Remy's closet
-Have Nic install new shelves in Remy's closet
-Paint the wonderful bookshelf we were given for Remy's room
-Make Remy a duvet cover so he can finally start using a real blanket, which means he can start using his amazing toddler bed that was borrowed to us
-Make the temporary duvet for our bed (just to get us by until I can afford the duvet I really want)
-Finish trimming out and then painting the downstairs hall
-Finally finish painting the kitchen
-Paint the shelves for the dining room
-Put up shelves and organize the basement so we can start finishing the family room
-Paint the guest bedroom
The last 4 things will probably not be done for the next couple of weeks or month. But I really need to get the rest of the list done in the next 5 days. And its making me want to take a nap just thinking about it.
Oops Nic is home!
I'm not quite there
I'm pretty sure the only person who will get that title fully is Heather. Heather, are you reading this? It goes back to my college days when I made sure Heather did anything I asked of her, including carrying me to my dorm bed so I would not have to walk the few feet across the room to it. But I digress (already).
Basically I haven't gotten anywhere on the blog because life has been crazy and my graphic designer (i.e. my husband) has had lots of pans in the fire and not time to fry...or something. I guess I'm going to have to get serious with him and hang him by his fingernails so that he gets it done. Nic, are you reading this?
So far I have specifically talked to two people, perhaps I should be sending emails to these people instead? But again, I digress.
The holidays were wonderful and busy and very snowy. Nic worked really hard at his job and doing his side job of snow blowing before finally getting a break by taking a long weekend over New Years. It was wonderful!
I have been busy scheming a new remodel for Remy's bedroom and the hall. The hall has not been touched since we moved in and is a lovely mess of horribly pale pink walls, cream colored trim, mismatched flooring and other boring things. Remy's room was painted when we moved in but I don't know what I was thinking when I picked that horrible horrible color. I doubt the hall will be done for a couple of months because of the cost of some of the things I want to do to it, but Remy's room will hopefully be done in the next couple of weeks.
Remy has been busy entering his Terrible Two's early. We have been experiencing lots of screaming, tantrums and hitting. To balance it out he has been becoming quite clingy, to the point that I asked for my Moby Wrap back from my sister so that I can use it to support him while I actually accomplish some thing! To date the only word he will use/say consistently is "Hot", because it is a reference to cooking, his favorite thing in the world.
AND today is our 3rd wedding anniversary. In some ways it seems like it went super fast and in other ways I feel like we have been together forever!
Hopefully the NEXT post will be on the new blog!
Basically I haven't gotten anywhere on the blog because life has been crazy and my graphic designer (i.e. my husband) has had lots of pans in the fire and not time to fry...or something. I guess I'm going to have to get serious with him and hang him by his fingernails so that he gets it done. Nic, are you reading this?
So far I have specifically talked to two people, perhaps I should be sending emails to these people instead? But again, I digress.
The holidays were wonderful and busy and very snowy. Nic worked really hard at his job and doing his side job of snow blowing before finally getting a break by taking a long weekend over New Years. It was wonderful!
I have been busy scheming a new remodel for Remy's bedroom and the hall. The hall has not been touched since we moved in and is a lovely mess of horribly pale pink walls, cream colored trim, mismatched flooring and other boring things. Remy's room was painted when we moved in but I don't know what I was thinking when I picked that horrible horrible color. I doubt the hall will be done for a couple of months because of the cost of some of the things I want to do to it, but Remy's room will hopefully be done in the next couple of weeks.
Remy has been busy entering his Terrible Two's early. We have been experiencing lots of screaming, tantrums and hitting. To balance it out he has been becoming quite clingy, to the point that I asked for my Moby Wrap back from my sister so that I can use it to support him while I actually accomplish some thing! To date the only word he will use/say consistently is "Hot", because it is a reference to cooking, his favorite thing in the world.
AND today is our 3rd wedding anniversary. In some ways it seems like it went super fast and in other ways I feel like we have been together forever!
Hopefully the NEXT post will be on the new blog!
Happy Birthday!
O Nicholas,
Today on your birthday I don't have a present to give you because I gave you all your presents early. Neither of us can ever wait. So I am sorry about that.
I also had grand plans to make cream puffs but I bought the cream too early and it went bad before I got around to making them. There is supposed to be lemon meringue pie in the works too but I am not sure if you will get that today or tomorrow. Bottom line; I am not very on top of things this year!
So I thought the least I could do was write you a blog post!
This is only the third birthday I have spent with you. Kind of crazy to think isn't it? Three years ago we were just engaged, living in the cities with no Remy. Life can change pretty quickly.
Now your a husband and a father. Remy and I are so thankful for your amazing work ethic, your patience and for every little thing you do around here. I know sometimes its hard to come home from a 10 hour work day to Remy and I having a meltdown and then eating mac and cheese for supper because I am to "overwhelmed" to make anything else and then put Remy down to bed because I get too short with him. But you do it anyways. You have made me a better parent because you are such a great parent. I never thought that you would be the patient parent but you are. And you are patient with me too. I doubt anyone else could live with my demands and my selfishness and still love me. But you do love me. Crazy!
I hope you have fun hunting today, I hope you shoot lots of birds. I hope that you have fun relaxing and taking a break from work and from Remy and me. I hope that you get to eat food that you want to today and I hope that you have fun bowling.
But most of all I want you to know how thankful I am for you.
Happy Birthday Honey, I love you!!
Today on your birthday I don't have a present to give you because I gave you all your presents early. Neither of us can ever wait. So I am sorry about that.
I also had grand plans to make cream puffs but I bought the cream too early and it went bad before I got around to making them. There is supposed to be lemon meringue pie in the works too but I am not sure if you will get that today or tomorrow. Bottom line; I am not very on top of things this year!
So I thought the least I could do was write you a blog post!
This is only the third birthday I have spent with you. Kind of crazy to think isn't it? Three years ago we were just engaged, living in the cities with no Remy. Life can change pretty quickly.
Now your a husband and a father. Remy and I are so thankful for your amazing work ethic, your patience and for every little thing you do around here. I know sometimes its hard to come home from a 10 hour work day to Remy and I having a meltdown and then eating mac and cheese for supper because I am to "overwhelmed" to make anything else and then put Remy down to bed because I get too short with him. But you do it anyways. You have made me a better parent because you are such a great parent. I never thought that you would be the patient parent but you are. And you are patient with me too. I doubt anyone else could live with my demands and my selfishness and still love me. But you do love me. Crazy!
I hope you have fun hunting today, I hope you shoot lots of birds. I hope that you have fun relaxing and taking a break from work and from Remy and me. I hope that you get to eat food that you want to today and I hope that you have fun bowling.
But most of all I want you to know how thankful I am for you.
Happy Birthday Honey, I love you!!
Working Hard
Just thought I would drop in and update everyone a little.
Right now we are working hard at getting our new blog up and running. We have a domain and hosting set up and are currently trying to figure out the design. Since we have very limited software its a little complicated but we are hoping to work with that for now until Nic can get the software he wants to make the blog how I want. He is also busy working on a logo and new header. I am, as usual, micro-managing the heck out of everything he is doing. Thank goodness he is patient!
In real world news we are almost all set for Christmas. We have finished our shopping for the extended family which is a huge relief. Now I just need to start some baking!
We got our new Canon Rebel XS camera that will be our joint Christmas present. Once things settle down a little I am hoping to learn how to use it off Auto Mode and hopefully play around a little bit in Photoshop too. Meanwhile we are loving it. Whoever said that a good camera doesn't make a good photographer obviously doesn't have the little $60 Polaroid camera we had before because our pictures are 100 times better now!
Remy has been unbearably cranky this past week. He has been sick and I wondered if he had an ear infection since he would scream and scream when put to bed (I guess when you lay down ear pain can get worse). I finally took him to the doctor yesterday and they told me nothing was wrong. His cold seems to be mostly past so I hope he is just going through a phase because he literally screams or fusses for 75% of the time he is awake. I am going crazy and I am sure he is not having that much fun either.
Hopefully the next post will be on our new blog!
Right now we are working hard at getting our new blog up and running. We have a domain and hosting set up and are currently trying to figure out the design. Since we have very limited software its a little complicated but we are hoping to work with that for now until Nic can get the software he wants to make the blog how I want. He is also busy working on a logo and new header. I am, as usual, micro-managing the heck out of everything he is doing. Thank goodness he is patient!
In real world news we are almost all set for Christmas. We have finished our shopping for the extended family which is a huge relief. Now I just need to start some baking!
We got our new Canon Rebel XS camera that will be our joint Christmas present. Once things settle down a little I am hoping to learn how to use it off Auto Mode and hopefully play around a little bit in Photoshop too. Meanwhile we are loving it. Whoever said that a good camera doesn't make a good photographer obviously doesn't have the little $60 Polaroid camera we had before because our pictures are 100 times better now!
Remy has been unbearably cranky this past week. He has been sick and I wondered if he had an ear infection since he would scream and scream when put to bed (I guess when you lay down ear pain can get worse). I finally took him to the doctor yesterday and they told me nothing was wrong. His cold seems to be mostly past so I hope he is just going through a phase because he literally screams or fusses for 75% of the time he is awake. I am going crazy and I am sure he is not having that much fun either.
Hopefully the next post will be on our new blog!
Christmas Wish List
Dear Santa,
I don't know if you read my blog or not, or if I will even get a visit from you this year. I know I shouldn't even complain because of the sweet joint gift me and Nic are getting (thanks for the advance notice by the way). But I thought, just in case you still wanted to drop by, here are the things I most want.
1. Magazine subscriptions.
You know how this makes my heart sing. Getting a gift that keeps on giving all year long. Not to mention the amount of time I usually spend gazing longingly at the magazines while in the check out line at Target. There is just something so fun about the glossy pages and the fact that there is a new one every month. At the top of my list is Southern Living and Inc Magazine. You know I'm a sucker for gossip magazines but I am sure such a nice old man like yourself wouldn't think something like that is very appropriate.
2. Kitchen Utensils.
My measuring cups are mismatched leftovers that I took from my Mom and my measuring spoons were my grandma's in the 70's. I would like a cheese grater that stands instead of being set on top of a bowl. And you know how I have long I have lusted over a micro zester. O the lemon meringue pies that could be made! It wouldn't hurt to have some pretty mixing bowls and several sizes of white casserole dishes. And if I had some adorable little ramekins I would most certainly make you a chocolate lava cake as a thank you.
3. Duvet Cover
I want it, no need it so badly. I won't write which one it is because I live in constant fear that someone I know will see how beautiful it is and buy it for themselves. I don't think I could live with myself if that happened. But if you don't know exactly which one it is thats ok too, a West Elm gift card will do.
4. To Sleep In
Santa, you know that I am a sleep-a-holic. That I need 10 hours at night to function properly, that in my single days I would regularly sleep 12-14 hours on weekends. Perhaps the biggest shock for me being a parent has been the lack of sleep. Even though Remy mostly sleeps through the night he still wakes up once or twice a night several nights a week. But even worse, no matter how early or late you put him to bed, he wakes up every day at 7, for sure 7:30. If I could sleep in one day this year I would be so happy. I know this is impossible, because Remy only sleeps at home and if he went somewhere else for the night he would drive whoever was watching him crazy with crying. I can't go sleep somewhere else because I want to sleep in my very own comfy bed. I'm not sure how you are going to work that one Santa, but it would be the cheapest. In fact, it would be free!
And finally, Santa, if you could take care of just one little thing. You see, while I was writing you this very important letter, my sickly cranky little baby has been playing in running water for the last half hour. If you could take care of my water bill, which is sure to be through the roof, it would make me so very happy.
I don't know if you read my blog or not, or if I will even get a visit from you this year. I know I shouldn't even complain because of the sweet joint gift me and Nic are getting (thanks for the advance notice by the way). But I thought, just in case you still wanted to drop by, here are the things I most want.
1. Magazine subscriptions.
You know how this makes my heart sing. Getting a gift that keeps on giving all year long. Not to mention the amount of time I usually spend gazing longingly at the magazines while in the check out line at Target. There is just something so fun about the glossy pages and the fact that there is a new one every month. At the top of my list is Southern Living and Inc Magazine. You know I'm a sucker for gossip magazines but I am sure such a nice old man like yourself wouldn't think something like that is very appropriate.
2. Kitchen Utensils.
My measuring cups are mismatched leftovers that I took from my Mom and my measuring spoons were my grandma's in the 70's. I would like a cheese grater that stands instead of being set on top of a bowl. And you know how I have long I have lusted over a micro zester. O the lemon meringue pies that could be made! It wouldn't hurt to have some pretty mixing bowls and several sizes of white casserole dishes. And if I had some adorable little ramekins I would most certainly make you a chocolate lava cake as a thank you.
3. Duvet Cover
I want it, no need it so badly. I won't write which one it is because I live in constant fear that someone I know will see how beautiful it is and buy it for themselves. I don't think I could live with myself if that happened. But if you don't know exactly which one it is thats ok too, a West Elm gift card will do.
4. To Sleep In
Santa, you know that I am a sleep-a-holic. That I need 10 hours at night to function properly, that in my single days I would regularly sleep 12-14 hours on weekends. Perhaps the biggest shock for me being a parent has been the lack of sleep. Even though Remy mostly sleeps through the night he still wakes up once or twice a night several nights a week. But even worse, no matter how early or late you put him to bed, he wakes up every day at 7, for sure 7:30. If I could sleep in one day this year I would be so happy. I know this is impossible, because Remy only sleeps at home and if he went somewhere else for the night he would drive whoever was watching him crazy with crying. I can't go sleep somewhere else because I want to sleep in my very own comfy bed. I'm not sure how you are going to work that one Santa, but it would be the cheapest. In fact, it would be free!
And finally, Santa, if you could take care of just one little thing. You see, while I was writing you this very important letter, my sickly cranky little baby has been playing in running water for the last half hour. If you could take care of my water bill, which is sure to be through the roof, it would make me so very happy.
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