Halloween started out with brunch at Nana and Boppa's. Dan and Kay (Nana's brother and his wife) were visiting from the west coast so we got together and had delicious food.
Remy was a lion this year for Halloween. I got the costume for $4 at a garage sale, so it was not new but who cares when he can only wear it for one year anyways!? He debuted it at the brunch but I just put it over his jeans and t-shirt that did not color coordinate.

Esther spent most of brunch in the kitchen eating an ice cube.

Aiden wanted to read Remy a book.

Remy spent most of the brunch sitting perfectly still on Uncle Matt's lap eating all of his food. I, of course, didn't get a picture. Probably because I was in shock that Remy was sitting still for longer than 10 seconds on anyones lap.
After he was done eating he got down to play but a little while later went over to Auntie Sissa and wanted to sit on her lap.

I don't know what to think about that.
Here he is dressed up again when we actually went out trick or treating, with Daddy approved coordinating clothes underneath his costume.

There's a lion in the backseat!!

We just went to family and friends houses but Remy's favorite stop by far was at his cousin, Esther's, house. Probably because he got some cheerios.

Melissa dressed Esther up in a little strawberry costume and we took pictures.

Doesn't she just look edible?!! I like how she is smiling so cutely in this photograph and Remy is looking grumpy and trying to steal her toy.
HAHAHAHAHHAHAHA...That last one will be a classic. Love it! Cute little lion you have! ;)
I love the look on Remy's face when he's reaching for the cherrios!
Yay for costumes that cost little or nothing! That Ester sure is a cutie.
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