The last few nights Remy has not really eaten supper, with the exception of last night when he refused to eat his supper but wanted to eat all of Grandma's tofu. Who is this child!? Anyways, I could hear him babbling in the other room and throwing his sippy cup around. After 10 seconds of being on the computer I thought I better check on him because its no fun to clean every bit of food I have given him off the floor so if I can catch him before he reaches the point of chucking food around its a good thing.
This is what I saw.
I just turned around because I heard something rustling and Remy had found a dress pattern and pulled it out of the envelope and is trying to simultaneously crush and tear it. Why is is little children only find something interesting when it is destructive?
Ahahhahaaa, oh Remy. He knows how to be a little troublemaker doesn't he? It would've been interesting to see how he got his shoe/sock off!
p.s. I can't wait to see pics of him in his cute little costume! find the camera! charge it now! ;)
I have flashbacks to when we were kids and did all we could while mom was on the phone. My kids are headed down that path, looks like they can go skipping down that one with Remy!
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