As Remy told you yesterday, he is indeed starting daycare this week. To start it will only be Tuesday and Thursday. Because he is going into daycare I will no longer be working every single day! I will have Monday, Wednesday and Fridays off, thus the three whole days Remy and I will have together. We always get daytime hours together but every evening between 4:30 or 7 I head off to work at one of my jobs and Nic gets him for the rest of the night. For the first time since June it will be feasible for us to plan something as a family!
I have committed to going full-time in December at his daycare, which means I am trusting I will actually have a full-time job at that point. I am not sure if that will mean two part-time day jobs or one full-time job but I am hoping and praying that whatever it is it will have benefits! Neither Remy or I currently have insurance because it is $400 a month for us to be on Nic's insurance. Crazy right? It would be cheaper for us to just pay for our own. Which may be the case if I end up with two part-time jobs.
So please pray that I will find a decent paying job by the time December rolls around. I wouldn't be opposed to not starting until Jan since our daycare goes with the school year schedule so I will be without daycare from Dec. 23-Jan. 4. But we will cross that bridge when we get to it.
Meanwhile I still have to get over the hurdle of actually leaving Remy at daycare part-time. I am nervous about it because Remy has been with me, Nic or an occasional family member, since the day he was born. I consider myself incredibly lucky that I got the first year, really the first 15 months, with him. Which is more than many moms get. I really do like working and I am looking forward to that a lot. It is just so much easier to enjoy work when I know Remy is with Nic or a grandparent. But because of decisions we have made in the past this is the position we are in now. Remy will be fine. I, however, will probably never overcome my guilt.
ziti chickpeas with sausage and kale
6 days ago
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