I meant to post yesterday and ran out of time and I have kept putting this post off today because I would love put up a few pictures of Remy because he is just getting so stinkin' cute but I just don't have time to upload pictures, sort through them and then post.
So here is the long awaited ending to my dramatic daycare saga.
In a previous post I alluded to finding, hopefully, permanent daycare for Remy. I was able to get Remy in at the one and only childcare center here in town. They will be opening a new toddler room this month and so they had openings. However, I would have had to commit to vaccinating Remy fully, eventually. I have no intention of fully vaccinating Remy (he will be vaccinated more than he is now) but I decided I would just have to deal with that when it came time.
One of my aquaintances from church sends her daughter to the daycare center and will be sending her baby there as well. I asked her if she liked it and she responded "sort of" and then went on to detail some of the things she has issue with. For instance; they don't wipe their noses if it is runny so your precious little baby/child will come home with snot crusted to their face all winter long - because, lets face it, anybody who goes outside during the winter and then returns to a warm room, they get a little bit of a runny nose. They also do not help them wipe their butts once they are potty trained. So an 18 month - 2 1/2 year old, freshly potty-trained, also must be capable of wiping their butt and if they are not, tough luck!! I don't know about you but I feel like those are common sense things while caring for a child. Who even thinks up those kinds of rules?!
When I first began my daycare search I had contacted a lady from church who had been the children's minister but quit this year to do daycare so she could be home more. Just a sweet, laid backed Christian woman. She, of course, did not have openings so I kept looking. Last week, a day after hearing those disconcerting things about the daycare center, I got an email from my mother-in-law letting me know that Sarah had a daycare opening. So I called, thinking it would be for an older child but at least I was trying. Lo and behold she had been holding the spot for a friend who was having a baby and then decided to stay home after the baby was born. So, yes, she had a spot for Remy!
Remy and I went over this past Monday to meet the children and meet with Sarah. I feel so much better about Remy being in a Christian enviroment with someone who is gentle and patient. Because of Sarah's 11 years in children's ministry she has wonderful experience and plans all sorts of fun crafts and projects as well. In her policies she also mentioned that she tries to take the children outside as much as possible, which will be so wonderful for Remy! Not to mention that this will be cheaper than the daycare center! And she doesn't care if I ever vaccinate Remy!
I am so relieved, especially since I have tenatively started looking for full time work (some of those changes I alluded to) and I feel much more comfortable putting him in a daycare situation like this full time.
So there you go! Daycare problem solved!
ziti chickpeas with sausage and kale
5 days ago
Praise God for His perfect timing! :D
I'm so happy for you. I know it is hard to leave your little one but if you know they are somewhere good it is okay.
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