I need daycare for Remy. Nic found a good family who does daycare, I called the lady and she had an opening, agreed to meet with me and told me she would call me the next week. She never called. Nic said I should call her, but I didn't because she said she would call me!
I finally called her a month later and she informed me that she had taken two more kids and was all full up for the year, the kicker "I thought you were going to call me"!!! Needless to say I don't have any happy thoughts in my heart for her.
This is a bit of an issue because I committed to working two days at one of my jobs, days as in not nights which means Remy needs to be in some sort of daycare situation. I checked with the MN Childcare Referral system and not one person is taking babies or toddlers in Fergus. NOT ONE!! The only openings they have are for preschool or older. Frankly, I am nervous about putting him in daycare anyways so maybe its better there isn't only one opening with a sketchy family because I would feel the pressure to just put him with that family anyways just because it would be the only option.
There is one child care center in our town. ONE!! It is expensive and you have to pay the full day whether or not they are there for 2 hours or 8. I don't make enough at either of my jobs to justify paying for the child care center. Not to mention the outrageous fee they charge just to apply or the fact that there is generally a waiting list. But most important? Remy has only had his 2 month vaccinations and we have made the decision to not have him vaccinated any further, although we may do a modified vaccination schedule once he is two. Although public schools must admit your child when presented with a waiver, private schools and daycare's can refuse to admit your child because they are not required by law to admit a child regardless of vaccination status. Most licensed daycare's excercise their right to refuse admittance. I saw a statistic that the U.S. has a vaccination rate of 95%. Obviously businesses and schools aren't going to cater to 5% of the population.
Ideally I would love if we could have someone we trusted watch Remy in our home. But I don't know anyone who doesn't work or go to school during those times. Let me rephrase that, I don't know anyone - Period!!
You would think that since we live near 80% of our family there would be someone who could do daycare for us, right? NOPE!!
These are the days when I desperately wish for my life back in Minneapolis/St.Paul - a good paying job, lots and lots of daycare opportunities, restaurants, shopping and our happy little stucoo house.
ziti chickpeas with sausage and kale
5 days ago
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