Remy and I went to the library today. Since I paid my gargantuan library fine a few weeks ago we have been there at least four times. In fact we went two times in 3 days. I just love the library.
Mostly what I get right now are cookbooks or how-to books. I don't have time to sit around and read novels, plus they don't interest me much. I love true stories or biographies, but fiction just seems so useless at this point in my life.
When we go to the library I cannot really hold Remy and look at books so I set him on the floor, scan a shelf for 10 seconds and then run around looking for wherever Remy disappeared too or saving some poor unsuspecting person from being accosted by a babbling, drooling baby/toddler. Remy has not exactly learned the art of being quiet, which makes it even trickier to go to the library. I spend the majority of my time chasing him, telling him to be quiet and apologizing to other library patrons for my child, all while trying to find some reading material. Don't get me wrong, I don't think Remy is being naughty or anything - he is just acting his age - but it gets a little frustrating some times.
Today I had finally picked out about 10 books. I chased Remy over towards the general direction of the checkout when he got distracted by other children. He cannot resist the small chance that another child might play with him. At this point the library is dead silent. No quiet talking, not even a little whispering, its silent as a tomb. I juggle my books and grab Remy as he tries to squirm away, I manage to pick him up and triumphant I head towards the checkout. Remy looks at me, smirks (I swear it was a smirk) and opens his mouth to let out the biggest burp I have ever heard from a small child in my life. I am sure every single person in the library heard him.I start shaking with laughter and embarrassment, Remy laughs his best laugh and I turn bright red.
To top it off, after we get out to the car I had to set Remy down because I cannot open the car door with him in one arm and 10 books (large books!) in my other. As I start to set him down he starts squirming and fussing, throwing me off balance. Because I didn't want him to fall over I somehow set him down firmly while the books I am holding throw me off balance and I fell backwards on my butt, hard. It hurt so bad I wanted to laugh and cry at the same time. My pride hurt too, but I don't think anyone saw it.
Remy makes everything interesting.
ziti chickpeas with sausage and kale
5 days ago
HAHHAHAHAHHAHAH I can just about imagine what that big burp sounded like in that little library! hahahahhaa, oh life is interesting to say the least. :)
Arn't they fast? Set the kid down for a second and by the time you look up they are long gone.
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