I occasionally look at furniture at Target but rarely consider buying anything because it is rather cheap furniture and since I have serious trouble spending more than $5 on anything I tend to stay away from furniture purchases unless I am at a garage sale or second-hand store. However, I had seen a computer desk there that I liked because it was simple and classic but still appealed to my modern-leaning design sensibilities. I never thought twice about buying it though, with a price of $129.99 it was definitely over my budget.
Nic and I have not had a computer desk since we got married. We have gotten by with a big old metal desk, a desk that Nic fabricated from a table, a small vanity, and most recently we have just left our laptops lying around the living room. Classy, I know.
Nic's Mac bit the dust last week and I knew that one of our 6 (yes 6!!) computer towers would be made over into a desktop computer to replace it. Knowing my little antique vanity (our only remaining desk type piece of furniture) couldn't hold up under the monitor and keyboard, I knew a desk would have to materialize somehow in the near future. Still, I had not started the frantic search for something half-way usable.
Today Remy and I went to Target to pick up a couple little things and, as usual, I walked around the whole store trying to kill some time since it occupies Remy. While walking through the furniture section I saw a clearance sticker down an aisle and thought I would go take a look and that desk, you know the one I had noticed earlier, was on clearance....for $32!!! Thats right, almost $100 less than the full price.
So I packed up and drove to Nic's work to talk to him about it and we decided that it was too good of a deal to pass up. Nic started putting it together on his lunch break and I finished it this afternoon.
Please disregard the paint color in the room, lack of pictures on the wall and the inevitable cords.
This can be added to the incredibly short list of furniture that we have bought new and I am so thankful for it! Usually when we buy something its because its the right price and useful, not necessarily the style I like but here is something that is all three!
Now I just need a useable filing cabinet and we will be set. The black one in the picture is horribly ugly and the metal arms that hold the files are long gone so the files all fold over on eachother and I can never find anything. Drives me crazy!! But thats for another day...
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