Since I'm not Catholic I do not go to Confession so I feel like I must confess my sins somehow.
Today I flipped someone off well driving like it was the most casual thing in the world.
Remy and I were driving home from seeing Nic at work, I took the interstate and when I got off and stopped at the stop sign I had to sit there for a while. Well, you know, as long as you ever have to sit anywhere in Fergus. The cars were spaced just so, so that you couldn't go. You can ask Nic, I am generally an aggressive driver and its not like I was not willing to put the pedal to the metal, they were just too close together.
There was a Semi to my left and another car pulled up behind me, so the car could not see exactly what was going on because of the Semi. But after sitting behind me for barely half a minute they honked their horn at me!! I turned around, casually flipped them off - yes, as my baby sat in the backseat watching me, turned around and waited until there was an actual opening and went.
As I drove away I was in a state of shock, namely that I did it so casually and completely without thinking. Not to mention; the other driver didn't really do anything to deserve it. I mean, I've been almost run off the road while driving, or nearly been run into while going through stoplights and other countless, more serious, things have happened due to another drivers negligence and I have never once - ever- flipped off another driver.
So there you have it. I don't know what in the world came over me and I feel horrible and embarrassed that I did that and that my 13 month old son watched me do it. What do I do for penance? Drive exclusively behind slow old ladies? Say a few Hail Mary's (whatever that is)? Or maybe give up sweets for awhile? Either way I feel a little better that the great big Internet world now knows my sinfulness.
ziti chickpeas with sausage and kale
6 days ago
1 comment:
Bwahaaahaaaaahaaa! I'm laughing so hard right now!
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