Anyways, while we were in this difficult transition time we lived with my sister-in-law, Michelle, who eventually moved out to give us more privacy once it became apparent we were not going to find our own housing before Remy was born. Yep, she's an angel.
Because of our employment situation and all of the unknowns we did not have much money to get ready for Remy's arrival. My parents generously bought us a pack-and-play (and many more things) for a bed for Remy. There really wasn't room for a crib in his room at Michelle's house. While it wasn't really a room, more like a landing at the top of the stairs outside our room which was too small for anything more than our bed and a dresser, although I did manage to squeeze a bouncy chair in there occassionally.
Remy has happily slept in the pack-and-play for 10 months now. Despite a little guilt on my part that he doesn't have a "real" bed, its gone swimmingly. But pack-and-plays are not meant to be slept in every night and the older he gets the less room he has and frankly, its pretty uncomfortable on that thin little cardboard mattress. Rumor has it, Matt and Erin will be giving us a toddler bed that Matt made, it looks like a little fire truck, complete with a steering wheel. However you definitely need to be capable of climbing in and out of beds before sleeping in that one. Something Remy is probably a year away from. In the back of my mind I had known that we needed to get something different soon. I just hadn't reached the Its Time To Panic Because Remy Needs A Bed Right Now And What Are We Going To Do stage.
I rarely look at Craigslist around here because not many people use it and usually its just vehicles and fishing boats. On a whim I decided to look at everything in Fergus Falls and while browsing I found an ad for a toddler bed for $30. No picture but it said it was light colored wood so I thought, "what the heck, its a good price I might as well see if its decent".
When I went to look at it it WAS decent and most importantly it came with a matttress that looked like it had never been used, although the lady said her son had used the bed up until the day before. I have seen cribs and toddler beds on garage sales around here for $60-$80 WITHOUT the mattress. And they usually aren't very nice in the first place. Even more importantly it had been a crib that turns into a toddler bed that turns into a double bed which means since she still had one of the crib sides and the toddler bed sides for the other side, Remy could use it now! I bought it on the spot and now Remy has a much bigger bed. We just pushed the side of the bed with the toddler railings against the wall so he can't get out. The blanket wadded in the side of the bed in the picture below is so that he doesn't get an arm wedged or loose a nook in the little opening.
Remy doesn't seem to like it too well yet. Probably because he can't quite figure out how to stand up in it since it has rails instead of a mesh side to press his hands against. I've heard that its rough on babies and young children to switch to a new bed so I haven't been too suprised. We still have his pack-and-play set up in our bedroom in case he has a meltdown and needs it.
My only complaint is that now I need a crib blanket and bumper pad. I would have never used a bumper pad when he was little baby because I have heard that can contribute to SIDS, but his favorite way to sleep now is with his back and head pressed against a corner of the bed and its a little uncomfortable against those wood rails.
Its pretty amazing what God can provide when you haven't even thought to ask for it yet!
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