Saturday Remy went to his first baseball game. It was the Redhawks, not the Twins. But we'll take what we can get. Especially since the tickets were free, the ride was free - but the food was definitely NOT free. Remy's cousins, Paige and Taylor, were signing the National Anthem with a kids group so we got complimentary tickets and we rode along with Mark and Naomi so no gas money! We made up for it with the food though. My goodness do they have good concessions there!
Here is Remy, Daddy and Nana on the way there. Remy is intent on the destination and couldn't be bothered with looking at the camera.

Here is almost everyone at the game. Matt, Erin, Paige and Taylor all sat a few rows in front of us.

Our little family. Side Note: What happened to my curly hair? Its just this weird wavy hair now. I heard sometimes your hair changes after you have a child but I just didn't think MINE would. I am mostly concerned because this was one of the main reasons Nic initially liked me. What if he leaves me for some curlier haired younger woman!!

Cheering at the game with Nana.

All worn out after a big day.

I was super bummed that he fell asleep in Nic's arms despite my best attempts. Remy so rarely snuggles its such a treat when he falls asleep in your arms and you can hold him as long as you want!
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