Well today, after trying carrots for the first time (the jury is still out on whether or not he LIKED them or not. I wish you could have seen his face) when I tried to give him a bottle he just cried and squirmed and hit the bottle. While he was laying in my arms crying I thought I saw something white on his bottom gums, so I ran my fingers across his gum and sure enough there was a tooth poking through. I thought there might be two but couldn't really tell so we went to see Daddy. He looked and it appears that Remy has one tooth that has popped through and another right beside it that has not popped through but is so close you can actually see it almost as good as the tooth that has popped through.
Thankfully he is napping right now and I hope he gets a good one in since so far he only had one very short nap and it is mid afternoon now.
I am really excited that he is getting teeth for a couple of reasons. First of all that means he IS growing up. You would not believe how many days I throw myself dramatically across the couch and whine to Nic that Remy is NEVER NEVER going to grow up. On those days it seems like he has been a helpless baby forever.
The second reason is that he is getting teeth at a normal time. He is behind in a couple of areas which of course makes me worry myself sick. I tell myself repeatedly that every kid is different and I shouldn't worry about it and just let him develop at his own pace. But all of those articles about Autism sure don't make those worries go away and neither do all of the other babies I know around his age that ARE hitting their milestones at the right time. But today Remy has teeth! So for about 40 minutes I will not worry.
Here is a picture of us visiting Daddy at work today to show him Remy's teeth. I got it up so soon because the receptionist took the picture for us with their work camara and Nic uploaded it to his computer and emailed it right away.

Yay! I can't wait to see those little toofers! Tucker had been up 6-7 times a night for the last few weeks and I couldn't figure out why until he opened his mouth yesterday morning and I saw two giant teeth in the back!
Oh teeth, fun fun for everyone. Just be grateful you are not nursing. So far Grace has not bitten me with her teeth but she sucks a lot harder when she gets any.
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