

So because I have never posted more than one, possibly two, pictures I didn't realize that you need to post in opposite order of how you want them to appear. So here is a backwards blog of pictures - but who cares, really! I have PICTURES!!
The picture above is of Remy with his cousin Grace. Grace is the first child he has ever liked. Well, at least the first child he has not screamed bloody murder at. I am looking at it as a sign of getting older and hopefully he will find more interest in other children as well.

The picture below is of Remy in his excersaucer. It somewhat captures the intensity of this little boy. He really is very, very intense. He now yells himself to sleep instead of crying himself to sleep. Its actually pretty funny. He has scratches all over his legs because he has to hold onto them as hard as he can by digging his nails in. When he meets a new person it takes him a long time to smile at them because he has to look them over first and decide if he likes them.

Here is a picture of Remy in his Halloween costume that I promised so long ago. Its the best one I got of him all night - he wasn't very impressed with the costume and spent most of the time frantically sucking on his pacifier and clutching his hands in front of him.

And here is the picture I was going to post first. How could you all have possibly gone so long without seeing this adorable face!! I love how roly poly he is and those big blue eyes! Everything about him is so delicious!

1 comment:

Anna said...

Aaahhh! He is so cute! You should post the video of him yelling, so the rest of the world can enjoy it too. I laugh every time I think about it!