I have looked everywhere and cannot find the camera cord - which means I cannot share all my cute pictures with you until I buy a new one which could be quite some time. I am convinced Nic lost it but he doesn't think he ever had it. I just don't loose things that much, except that I lost my cell phone charger. I know its in the guest room and I thought it was on the bed but I can't find it - which means my phone will soon be dead. (Useless Tangent)
Why is it that babies never nap when you want them to? Remy is a very needy little boy - which is fun most of the time - but not when you have a lot to do and he refuses to let you do them. This week is Thanksgiving and my parents 30th Anniversary Party, which me and my siblings are planning. Because it is Thanksgiving we are also having house guests, which means the catch all room (formerly known as the guest room) needs to be cleaned up so people can actually sleep on the bed. That project is going to take at least half a day in itself. I am bringing the mashed potatoes to Thanksgiving so I would like to make them ahead of time - but that means I have to peel 15 pounds of potatoes. The cooking and mashing won't take that long but the peeling....sigh. I also need to do some time consuming prep for the anniversary (I can't be specific because I know at least my Dad reads my blog). Not to mention that two of the 3 days I have to get all this done I work (Albeit part-time, but work with me people). Most of these things I have to do while Remy is napping because he just doesn't like me to do things and not look at him constantly. This is tricky because all though he is on a strict night time schedule/routine I let him nap when he wants throughout the day, rather than having certain nap times.
Today he took an unexpected 2 hour nap this morning. Which was wonderful. But I didn't utilize that time because he never sleeps that long at that time of the day. So I kept waiting for him to wake up. I could have definitely peeled the potatoes. He took a little 20 minute nap a little bit ago but I knew he would wake up soon so I just held him because its so nice to hold a sleeping baby - especially because he won't cuddle when he is awake. I thought he was going to take a nap just now because he was out but as soon as I laid him down his eyes popped open and he is currently now sitting in his bouncer alternately crying at me and smiling/talking very cutely in an attempt to get me to pick him up. Which is funny because as soon as I pick him up he will put his arms against my chest and push as hard as he can so he can make sure that he is as far away from me as possible while I am still holding him. I swear that kid only lets me hold him because he wants to be mobile and can't on his own yet.
Don't get me wrong, I really want to do all the things I have to get done because I really like having clean, organized rooms and mashed potatoes are my favorite part of Thanksgiving so I want to make sure there are lots and I really really want my parent's party to be special. Not to mention that I certainly adore my son and he is most definitely my world. But for once....just once....it would be nice if I could get things done on my schedule. But those chubby little fingers and big blue eyes and roly poly legs are so worth it.
(Rant Ended)
How To Propagate Succulents
5 days ago
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