Wow, I don't know how people update their blogs so religiously. Especially with pictures. I wish I could put some pictures up but the Mac is all we have that is currently working and it is so overloaded that we can't put anymore pictures on it. Hopefully Nic will get the desktop working again so you can see pictures of how big Remy is. He is sitting next to me on the couch right now - he prefers to sit like a big boy. The bouncer, which has been a complete life saver, no longer interests him. Probably because he leans back like a "baby" which he is no longer interested in being. (Yes at 3 months)
I did get him a Bumbo which he likes sometimes. Basically I think he prefers to stand so I am hoping to go get the excersaucer from Anna today because then I don't have to hold him in standing position all the time. He has also discovered his thumb and is definitely turning into a thumb sucker. Its completely adorable and I have decided not to worry too much about it. Most kids outgrow thumb sucking just fine so I am going to trust that he will instead of obsessing about it.
Remy is adjusting well to our new house. The first night he was a little confused when I was giving him his night time bottle in a different room then he was used to but he has still been sleeping through the night just fine.
I LOVE our new house!! But in all honesty I am pretty burned out at this point. We closed almost two weeks ago now, on a Thursday and I spent the afternoon taping and packing. Friday I taped all morning and then painted all afternoon while my Mom watched Remy. That evening was Halloween so we took Remy out in his little pumpkin outfit (pictures to come when we get the other computer fixed). Then Saturday I painted for 14 hours, from 9 in the morning to 11 at night. I got up Sunday and painted from 8 to 12:30 and then went home and packed since we had to move at 4. We got almost everything moved from Michelle's house except Nic's hunting crap... I mean stuff... from the basement and some things from the shop. We also still have a few things in the storage unit which will hopefully get moved in the next week or so. I spent the next 3 days unpacking like crazy. Thursday was my birthday so I didn't do anything and by this point I was feeling really tired and Friday I went shopping in Fargo. I worked on unpacking on Saturday and also went to work for awhile in the afternoon. Yesterday I spent the day washing clothes and grocery shopping. I only have one room left to unpack but its a depressing room. Basically its all of our office supplies and weird things that don't really belong anywhere. But I really need to get it done because Tabitha is coming on Thursday night! That room is our office/guest room and we don't have the bed up yet because there is currently no room for it. Also I have told myself I can't start recovering the couch until I am done unpacking. I wanted to have the couch done before Tab came but I really think thats unrealistic!
Anyways back to all the things I love about the house. First of all the washer and dryer are HUGE. I think we had a pretty standard washer and dryer at our house in the cities but this one is much bigger. I can do 1 load for 2 that I could do at Michelle's house which is great!! The kitchen isn't huge but the cupboards go all the way to the ceiling which means I have to use a stool to get to the top shelves but EVERYTHING fits with even some extra room. That means I don't have to go down to the basement every time I need the griddle or the punch bowl or extra spices. Speaking of spices there is actually a pull out spice rack cupboard in the kitchen!! So far it seems like there is a place for everything in the house which is soooo wonderful! I finally feel like I can be organized because I have space to be organized.
The only thing that is not perfect is that Remy's room is kind of cold. There are two bedrooms upstairs, one is ours and one is Remy's. Ours has carpet but Remy's has linoleum. I did get a rug that I hoped would help warm it up but even with two blankets on and feety pajamas Remy's feet were still cold when I got him this morning and his poor little hands were icicles!! I think I will get a space heater today because the rest of the house is warm and I don't want to be roasting AND pay huge heating bills.
Hopefully next time I post I will have access to new pictures of Remy so you can appreciate how big he is getting!
How To Propagate Succulents
5 days ago
1 comment:
wow, has it's almost been 2 weeks already?! Time sure seems to fly by! And now I need to take pictures of Remy sitting like a big boy! :) He is so funny!
I'm so excited that Tabitha is coming to visit you! I bet she is just dying to see your little family! :D
I hope you get everything done that you want to get taken care of (or you know, at least a reasonable amount).
I put up a few more pictures (a couple family ones of you guys, a couple of anna's kids) if you want to take a look!
Also, I hope the space heater idea works out well. I know what it's like to be in the "cold room upstairs" room was the ONE room that didn't get any heat from the house's heating system at home. Just the electric heat which didn't really work that well. Oh well! I'm sure you'll figure out what works best and it will be fantastic.
See you in a couple weeks! ! woo hoo!
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