I have a jazillion cute pictures to post but alas I cannot find my camera cord. I was all set to blame it on Nic because he told me he had it at work but then when he brought it to me it was nothing but your standard apple USB cord. Which means I lost the camera cord while unpacking which means I have to find it before I can upload pictures for your viewing pleasure and frankly I am just to lazy right now.
Remy is sleeping on the couch with his hands thrown over his eyes like he is trying to shut out the light, before that he had his thumb securely in his mouth while trying to cover both of his eyes with his other hand. He is completely delicious!!
I know a lot of you probably think I am crazy when I say that he likes routine and gets crabby when his precious routine is upset but I am firmly convinced of it after this weekend. My friend Tabitha came for a visit, and while he absolutely loved Tabitha right away, he hated the change to his schedule. He was crabby all weekend, wouldn't nap and at one point when he was screaming his head off at Mark & Naomi's we took him home for bedtime because we thought he was just tired. But as soon as we walked in the door he was as happy as can be - sitting in his car seat and smiling and talking to us. I guess he prefers to be home with just mommy and daddy.
I wish I could remember every cute thing he does, but its probably boring to everyone but me. I am finishing this post the next day because Remy had woken up from his nap and Nic had come home so I had my hands full. Right now Remy is sitting in his excersaucer (another lifesaver from Anna!!) twirling around and looking at his chubby fingers. I just love him to pieces!!
How To Propagate Succulents
5 days ago
1 comment:
Oh I can't wait to see you guys again! I feel like I'm missing so MUCH! hahahahhaha, he's such a big boy now! (or at least thinks he is one)
And also, I like to hear about all the cute things he does! It always brightens my day!
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