Remy is definitely growing up! He discovered his voice a few weeks ago and loves to talk. He would be happy if someone sat in front of him all day and talked with him. We have about 10 little videos on our camera of him talking. I thought about posting one but I doubt they are actually as cute and fun as we think they are.
He also rediscovered his hands and spends a lot of time sucking on his fist. He is sleeping longer and longer now, a couple of nights ago he slept from 9:30 to 7:30! Last night he did wake up once and I gave him a bottle, which usually I don't give him a bottle during the night but he had his 2 month shots yesterday and was feeling bad so how could I not? Those shots were so traumatic!! I think almost more for me than for him. I have never heard him scream like that and then he was sleepy and crabby and feverish for the rest of the day. The nice thing was that he was cuddly and wanted to be held, which normally he refuses to be held and has to spend his time sitting on his own in his bouncy chair. He is feeling much better today so I hope today will go better.
He got weighed yesterday as well and is now 12 pounds, 4 ounces. He is turning into such a little chunk I just love it! He is mostly in 3-6 months clothes now which is fun because he can wear more grown up things like overalls, jeans ect.
Because of his aversion to being held he is getting an awful flat spot on one side of his head. I hope people don't think I leave him in his crib crying all day! I have been trying to get him to lay his head to the side he normally doesn't but he is more stubborn then me and refuses too. So I guess he will just have to have a lopsided head, o well, I think he is adorable anyways.
In other news... I got a job! I will be working at Lake and Home Magazine doing Accounting and Data Management. I am really excited about it because it is part time and they are willing to let me do most of the work after hours which means Remy won't be in daycare! We couldn't afford to put him in daycare anyways but it is so nice to find something that will work with my schedule. Plus because I will be working later he will probably be in bed for a good chunk of the time I won't be around which means I won't miss out on much! God is so good!
How To Propagate Succulents
4 days ago
1 comment:
I miss you! I wish it was time for us to come and see you. Also, I wish my phone worked better in our apartment.
Also, so fun to see on facebook that Remy snuggled for 3 hours! YAY!
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