For the last couple of weeks he would go back to sleep after his bottle at 6 and sleep til about 9 or 9:30, however I think he is done doing that for me which is too bad but I shouldn't complain, he slept from 8:30pm to 7am last night and he usually sleeps an average of 10 hours. Which is a blessing because I cannot function without sleep!
We are moving into our new house at the end of the month!! We are buying a house that is soooo much more than I thought we would ever get. It is 3 bedrooms, 1 bath and it has a NEW kitchen and NEW washer and dryer! I am absolutely thrilled. Plus Remy will have his own room now instead of living right outside our door in a little hallway at the top of the stairs. We'll see how he does with the move since he is VERY routine (a little like his daddy..hehe) and doesn't like when his schedule is messed up. I start work at the beginning of next month, soon after our move so Remy will be with daddy a couple of nights a week and one afternoon with Nana or an aunt or a grandma so that will be an interesting transition as well - for both of us.
Since I couldn't upload the video here is a picture of Remy from right before I took the video.
1 comment:
oh he is SO cute! can't wait to see you guys this weekend!!!
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