
O the drama

Babies seem to have an innate sense of when is exactly the WRONG time to act out, at least Remy does. He really is a pretty good baby, he has his fussy times but he doesn't spit up a ton and rarely ever has an explosive diaper. So I wasn't quite prepared for what happened this weekend.
Nic's cousin, Justin, got married on Saturday in Fargo. Since it was so close we decided to go, although really the only event we have gone to so far is church. Remy doesn't have a ton of dressy clothes but he has this adorable pair of overalls from Baby Gap (thanks Anna!) and so I put it on him over a long sleeve onesie and he looked so adorable! We got to the church early enough to feed him before the wedding. About 5 minutes before the wedding was supposed to start he was finishing up the bottle and totally dirtied his pants. I had a feeling that it wasn't all in his diaper - if you catch my drift. But when we checked it hadn't gone through his pants, still I wasn't sure but I knew that he definitely needed a diaper change. So I hurry to the bathroom to change his diaper and sure enough, poop all over the inside of his cute little overalls!! Now because he doesn't usually dirty through his clothes I hadn't brought another perfectly coordinated outfit, but I had a nice sweater so I thought that would work with the pants I had along. But first I had to try to get his clothes off without getting poop all over him. I finally get his clothes off and then go to take his diaper off and there is poop everywhere! I think I used 10 wipes, seriously. Because I took so long wiping him off - without a diaper on - he decided to pee all over himself, including in the ear. I think he has maybe pee'd 3 to 4 times ever with his diaper off, so that was unusual too. So then I spend another couple minutes trying to clean the pee off him with paper towels and diaper wipes and somewhat sanitize the changing table. I FINALLY get him cleaned up and in a semi decent outfit, pack everything up and he promptly spits up all down his nice sweater. Thankfully it wiped up nicely and you couldn't even tell.
So then I go back out hoping that he will finish his bottle and fall asleep so I can go back in the sanctuary and at least catch some of the wedding. So we sit by the window in the back and he finishes his bottle and proceeds to be fussy - also unusual. But I don't think he really likes to be held that much, he prefers to spend his time in his bouncy chair or swing at home (again - thanks Anna!). So I rock him and hold him and walk him trying to get him to sleep. As soon as Justin and his bride kissed Remy closed his eyes and promptly went to sleep! ARE YOU KIDDING ME! That kid!!
So I missed the whole wedding. The whole thing was rather hilarious and at least I could laugh through the whole thing.


Molly said...

OH dear! He is quite the kiddo!

These are the stories you need to write down so you can repeat them to him over and over again when he's older.


Anna said...

Why is it that kids pick the worst times to poop through their clothes? The only time that ever happens to me is also when I don't have any nice little matching outfits along. I tried packing cute outfits, but then I forgot them in the diaper bag and my poor childen never got to wear them!

Oh well, this won't be the last time something like that happens!