
7 Weeks

Today Remington is 7 weeks! He is still so little but things get easier everyday. I can't wait until he starts sitting up on his own and crawling around. But for now its nice that he has started holding onto my shoulder when I carry him around and his little smile has started appearing more and more.
He was kind of colicky for the first few weeks and we ended up going to stay with my parents while I continued to recover from the birth. After we went to my parents we put him on a schedule and he is soooo much better! He sleeps through the night about half of the time and the other half he only gets up once around 3 and goes right back to sleep. Right now he is transitioning to a new nap schedule so I am trying to figure out what works for him now.
He is waking up so I better go get him, but here is a little picture for you to enjoy of his smile!

1 comment:

Molly said...

Oh my goodness! Rachel that picture is adorable!! WOW!!

Can't wait to see you guys! Love you lots & glad things are slowly but surely getting easier! :)