
Remington Alan

Remington Alan was born July 25th at 6:24pm.
I started having contractions around 11pm on the 24th. We went in to the hospital at 3:30am on the 25th because my contractions were 2-3 minutes apart. When we got there my contractions slowed way down until about 10 when they started coming every minutes or so. Unfortunately I wasn't dilating past 6 so they broke my water around 12. I was finally dilated to 10 a little before 4. I pushed for an hour with minimal results. Remington got stuck in my hips after the first 15 minutes and couldn't go further. He wasn't getting oxygen and was getting distressed so the doctor decided to use the vacuum, so after another half hour of pushing the little guy finally popped out, screaming at the top of his lungs. He surprisingly wasn't blue at all even though he hadn't been getting much oxygen, his head was a little cone shaped because he was in the birth canal for so long and he has a rather large head, unfortunately for me. He was 7 pounds 5 ounces and 19.5 inches long.
After his birth he was extremely alert for a couple of hours but he slept through most of the night that night which was nice because me and Nic got a little sleep. At that point I had been up for about 48 hours with maybe 2 hours of sleep and in labor for 19 hours, so needless to say I was pretty exhausted!
We came home Sunday and have been adjusting ever since. I don't know what I would do without Nic. I really wasn't mobile at all because I tore so bad so Nic gets the baby and changes him and helps me with breastfeeding. He cleans the house, takes care of most of the meals and makes sure I am ok. I have no idea how single moms do it! The first couple of days home were really rough because Remy wasn't breastfeeding very good and was pretty cranky. The second night he wanted to feed every hour. Thankfully my Mom came the next day and helped us get him on a feeding schedule. He has a little gas problem that appears about an hour to an hour and a half after he eats and he fusses, but it has gotten a lot better and now that me and Nic were able to get sleep for a couple of nights because my Mom was here, we are all doing much better. Remy really is a little cutie, he likes to cuddle and has periods of time where he is very alert. Usually we set him in his swing when he is awake and he swings back and forth, looking around the whole time.
I am so thankful for everyone that has helped us! Naomi cleaned up the house before we came home, Anna and Peggy helped me so much with breastfeeding and Anna also brought us meals two nights in a row! My Mom has helped so much, staying two nights even though she has a job. I really don't think we could have done it without our wonderful support system!
I will post some pictures soon - I am not quite that organized yet!

1 comment:

Molly said...

Awww, I'm glad you've had such wonderful people to help you out! I am so excited to meet the new little guy!

Love you lots & see you soon!