
The waiting game

It is two days until my due date. Nic calls a couple of times a day when he is at work to ask if I am in labor yet, but still nothing. I have had a couple of contractions off and on but thats about it.
As far as being tired I seem to be on a bit of a rollercoaster, one day I can barely get out of bed and spend most of the day on the couch and then next day I have tons of energy and get a lot done. So we will just continue to wait and hope that the little guy will appear sooner rather than later.

1 comment:

Molly said...

He'll be here soon! :) So strange to think the next time I see you, you're not going to be pregnant anymore. AND you'll have a little baby boy! (I guess those things kinda go hand in hand)

Let me know if you need anything! (I'm far away, but I've got some connections). Plus we'll come see you whenever you feel up to it.

Love you lots! (and waiting with you..though probably not nearly as anxious as you, the one who has baby dancing on your innards).

was that too much? ok, I forgot it's you. :)