Only a little over a month until my due date. Hopefully this baby will have pity on me and come early but I doubt it. I am getting larger (gained 30 pounds to date!) and my circulation is getting worse. My hands fall asleep almost as soon as I do so I wake up several times a night just so I can get a little blood flow to my hands. My joints are really bothering me too, especially in my fingers. I am not sure if thats from lack of circulation at night or because my fingers are swollen, either way I feel like I have arthritis.
Today I went shopping for a swim suit because we are going to the lake this weekend! My aunt Kathy has graciously allowed us to use their cabin since they won't be here this weekend and I couldn't be more excited. Its supposed to be nice this weekend and all I wanted to do was float in the water and now I get to! Since we have somewhere to go, I had to find a something to wear. So off to Target I went. Thankfully I found some bottoms that would work with a top I had that still - somewhat - works. The bottoms are skirt bottoms and I had a tankini top in the same color that I bought back when I first got pregnant. The ensemble fits but because its little skirt bottoms and I have a very large belly and a much bigger rear end than usual, I look like those elephants in Dumbo that wear the little skirts during their act. But I wasn't about to spring for an ugly pregnancy swimsuit that would have cost $40. At Target! If I am going to spend $40 on a swimsuit it better be Ralph Lauren or something!
How To Propagate Succulents
6 days ago
1 comment:
and you rocked that swim suit! hahahhahaha
hope you're hanging in there ok! I'm glad you got to float around at the lake like you wanted to.
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