
9 Months

I have decided that this baby should appear any minute. I have spent the last week or so getting everything as clean as it is ever going to be and organizing the baby's room, washing all our clothes and other things that needed to get done. I have my last baby shower this afternoon and then I will be completely ready for this little guy to appear. However it is still 2 1/2 weeks to my due date, so realistically I could be looking at another month of being pregnant - ugh.
I am going to the doctor weekly now. 2 weeks ago I had lost a pound and this week I weighed the same and my belly measured the same so in all fairness I am feeling pretty good. But STILL it would be so nice to have my body to myself again.
I had a baby shower on Tuesday and received lots of great gifts but the one that was by far the best was the stroller/car seat combination. I have spent hours worrying about the baby coming and not having a car seat for it and then having to suddenly come up with money to buy one. I not only spent hours worrying about it I spent hours telling Nic how worried I was and causing him lots of stress. So it is so nice (for both of us) to have that taken care of!
The only thing I am worried about is our food situation. And I am only worried because Nic is worried. You see, Nic doesn't cook with the exception of Hamburger Helper (which I won't eat), Mac and Cheese and frozen Burritos. We are looking at probably a good week of me not cooking for sure, which means that unless people take pity on us we will probably be spending a fortune on fast food. In other words IF YOU ARE READING THIS TAKE PITY ON US AND BRING US SOME FOOD AFTER THE BABY IS BORN.

Hopefully the next post will be about this little guy appearing - perhaps thats wishful thinking - but who knows!!


Molly said...

I am so excited for you! :) I would imagine that between your families & church folks, there would be some food coming your way. If not, I will call my mom and have her bring you food of some sort.

I hope you get lots more goodies today! Hopefully I'll talk to you soon, it's been a long time! (it seems like at least)

Anna said...

Haa! Have your body to yourself! You have no idea what you're in for ;) I don't remember the last time I had my body to myself. I've been pregnant and nursing for the last 3+ years. Just wait, you'll find out what I mean once that little guy makes his appearance......and then number 2 comes along.....and then number 3...and all of a sudden you're an old hag with saggy boobs and a bad haircut!