
Sugar and weight gain

32 Weeks - hopefully only 8 to go. I cannot imagine what I will feel like if I go over my due date, which statistically I probably will.
We had a doctors appointment yesterday and over 3 weeks I gained 5 1/2 pounds. That brings my total weight gain to 27-29 pounds. And since I am gaining over a pound a week I am looking at a 40+ pound weight gain by the time this is all said and done. Pretty spectacular if I do say so myself.
There could be a direct correlation between my weight gain and my excessive craving of anything sweet. But I have decided to conveniently overlook that. I have never really liked pop that much, it usually makes me feel a little queasy, but in the last couple of weeks I have been craving it a lot. It doesn't help that most pop has caffiene so that limits the kinds of pop I can drink to about 4 different flavors. I realize that the sugar is probably not that great for the baby, but I like to think I am just giving it a jump start on the Larson addiction to pop. AND I really only have it a few times a week. (Excuses, excuses) But with my candy intake upped the poor kid is probably on a sugar high 75% of the time.

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