I labeled this part one because i am sure there will be many parts in this series.
First of all the person who recommended you gain 25 pounds is a sick sick person. So maybe the baby isn't that big but what about all the extra fluids in side of you not to mention the bowling balls on your chest which probably will account for 15 pounds of my weight gain when all is said and done. That leaves only 10 pounds for the rest of my body and the baby! I'm not all for getting obese just because your pregnant but when you have gained 1/3 of the weight you are supposed to and the baby is still only a few ounces I don't think thats cause for panic.
Next you itch like crazy. I'm probably worse because its winter and very dry, but I am never itchy - EVER! so this is driving me absolutely crazy!
I have heard this mentioned in passing, but a large percentage of pregnant women get a stuffed up/runny nose for most if not all of their pregnancy. I definitely have, and to make matters worse I have a scab inside my nose that will not go away. As much as I want to leave it alone I can't. Poor Nic has seen me way to many times with a finger up my nose. Gross yes, but if you only knew how much it bugs me!
After reading a couple books I am deathly afraid of post baby boobs. I already had saggy boobs anyways and now they are going to be even SAGGIER?!! My short little torso can't handle that, I am looking at boobs down to my belly button before I even hit 25. To combat this I have taken to wearing a sports bra whenever I am in my pajamas, basically the only time I am not wearing a bra is when I shower. Its a pathetic attempt at trying to salvage my pre-baby body but it makes me feel a little better. Now if only there was some way to make my tattoo not stretch.
Finally I would like to say that anyone who tells you that in your second trimester you are not tired is just trying to give you false hope. You might even think, after the first few days of no morning sickness, that you aren't as tired as you have been. Its just misleading because the feeling of not being sick makes you feel relatively better. But in reality I am still falling asleep at 8 at night, still exhausted by noon at work and still napping whenever possible. THE EXHAUSTION NEVER GOES AWAY.
How To Propagate Succulents
1 week ago
1 comment:
Just relax and be pregnant friend :)
At least you have a reason to go to sleep extra early!
p.s. If I hear of any great secrets to keeping you boobs up I'll let you know, not sure how I would come across that..but you never know. I think duct tape is my first guess.
Love you!
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