
Feeling Better

I am no longer wearing those sea-bands. Its nice to be able to wear shirts that don't cover my wrists or else risk an interesting fashion statement. While I am forever thankful for them I am certainly glad to see them go!
Its a wonderful feeling to be able to enjoy food again and even better that I feel well enough to make it. Tonight we had roast, potatoes and beans. Since I haven't cooked in so long my culinary skills are a little rusty, hopefully it will come back or maybe I'm cursed to cooking bad for the rest of my life. Not that Nic would care, I think he is just happy to not eat Wendy's (baked potatoes were a favorite with me).
Since I have so far had an almost textbook pregnancy I have decided that in the next few months I am going to clean, organize and cook like there is no tomorrow. Its likely I will spend the last few months of my pregnancy doing nothing but sleeping. Maybe we should invest in a freezer so I can cook a few months worth of meals and Nic won't starve. Either way I am going to try to get as much done as possible. There is one thing I wish could get done before the baby comes. I would really like the kitchen cupboards painted and the walls too. I am so sick of looking at my messy cuboards. But I can't paint and I can't be in the house when anyone is painting so the chances of it happening are pretty slim. But if it did then I would feel like the house was finally, at least somewhat, finished.

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