My friend, Molly , has a blog where she has so kindly put links to other peoples blogs. This provides me with hours of entertainment. Some might call it a little creepy since I really don't know half of these people and the other half I would barely consider aquaintances, however I don't think its creepy at all. Its kind of like reading a gossip magazine except its every day people.
Anyways, it takes me forever to figure out what blog belongs to what people because every blog has tons of pictures of little babies and toddlers with blog after blog about how cute their little kids are. I have come to the conclusion that all little kids look relatively the same and they all do the same things. I know I will probably be as bad as all the other parents, putting up 10 pictures that look the same to everyone else - only a parent could see the little tweak to the eye or that a hand has moved, but I do hope I retain a little bit of me. And I hope my kids are at least a little weird so that they don't just blend in with all the other little kiddies.
How To Propagate Succulents
1 week ago
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