
Barreling up on week 18

I haven't posted in awhile so I thought I should update this for anyone who reads this thing.
I can feel the baby kick now which is kind of strange. Its very fast and suprisingly hard for how little it must be. We have our ultrasound in 3 weeks when we will (hopefully) find out if we are having a little boy or a little girl. If they tell us it is a girl I will not be convinced because anyone can make a mistake like that so then I won't be able to buy anything until the baby is born!
Finding out the sex will also bring on the name argument full force. Nic and I have dabbled so far but not knowing if its a boy or a girl keeps it from going too far. If I have my way the kid will end up with an unprounacable weird name and if Nic has his way it will have a very vanilla name. I am holding out until I am pushing the kid out and then I plan on screaming "after going through all this pain you BETTER let me name this baby!!"
Nic doesn't have a chance.

ps my apologies, I couldn't get the spell check to work so there are a couple misspelled words.

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