
Big Changes

As most of you probably know, Nic got laid of last week and we have decided that the best course of action for us is to move. My job probably won't last much longer (we worked for the same company and it is going under) and we need to live somewhere where the cost of living isn't so high, and with the baby coming it w0uld be nice to be closer to family. So we are contemplating a move to Fergus Falls, which I thought I never would. But I guess if thats where God wants us thats where He will put us.
Its hard not to feel panicky since we have a small window of time where we still have money, and if we don't get jobs quickly we could find ourselves in some trouble. Thankfully I got a big tax return so I have paid all our bills up to the middle of March, including our monstrous heating bill, and we still will have enough to last us until April as long as we are careful.
We spent the last half of last week in Fergus looking for jobs and a place to live. I had a phone interview and computer testing for a job and Nic has a possiblity of an interview this week. But by Sunday it was hard to not feel discouraged. I am not patient anyways and when you add all the additional stress of money and a baby coming it is almost impossible to bear.
This morning I got to work, feeling a little down but trying to not give up. But by mid morning I had call backs on a job application and two interviews set up! One is at Security State Bank for the end of the week and the other is with Tastefully Simple this coming Monday (I guess I didn't do as bad as I thought on the computer testing!). Nic is supposed to get a call today if Sara Lee is interested in interviewing him, so I am hoping and praying that will happen. But in the meantime Bill, a guy we used to work with who has now started his own contracting company, asked if he could have Nic cut down some pieces of metal and put together a rack for his truck and he is going to pay him!! However little it will be it will still help, and I think Nic will feel a little more useful.

The next week will be interesting as we are going to be packing up our house. I am anticipating a lot of things getting thrown but we still have quite a bit to do, mostly in Nic's shop. Thankfully we already have the snowmobiles up in Fergus so thats one less thing to worry about.

Since this is a pregnancy blog I suppose I should write a little about the baby. I haven't been feeling it kick as much as a week or two ago, only a few times a day right now. Maybe it doesn't do well with stress. Its getting pretty uncomfortable to sleep on my stomach if the mattress is hard, thankfully ours at home is pretty comfy so I can still lay on my stomach when we are home. I broke out a couple maternity tops that aren't too maternity looking because I am outgrowing most of my clothing. I have gained 17 pounds of my alotted 25 (stupid number!) and the baby is only around 7 or 8 ounces right now, haha. Its only 11 days until our ultrasound, even though I have heard the heartbeat I still don't think about a baby being inside of me other than to be annoyed at how gross I feel, so hopefully seeing it will make it all a little more real to me.

1 comment:

Molly said...

...by the way you don't look like you've gained any weight at all.

so there.

I hope the packing is going ok. :) I am still on the lookout for more boxes!

love you!