I have pretty wild dreams and usually I remember at least one of them from the night before.
Last night I had several really crazy dreams but the one I remember the most is hilarious. I told Nic about it and he said that it traumitized him by having flashbacks to when I was pregnant. I was probably the worst hormonal pregnant woman ever.
In my dream I was at some sort of big gathering, outside on a hill, with my friend Molly. I think we were doing some sort of clean up. I was 9 months pregnant and after a long day of working we were pretty tired. Some girl walks up to us with a glass bottle of Coke and informs us that if we take this token down to the bottom, of the very large hill, we will get a free Pepsi. I'm not sure why she had a Coke, but whatever.
So, very excitedly, Molly and I take off for the bottom of the hill. There are lots of people and so we get split up and I end up taking a completely round about way and I finally get to the bottom of the hill to hear some unseen person telling Molly that she cannot get her free Pepsi because two people have to be there to redeem the token. I waddle up as fast as I can and say "Wait, I'm here and I am with her!". There are two little red headed twins standing there, about 6 or 7 years old. They cross their arms and bossily tell me that we cannot, in fact, have our Pepsi because we did not get there together. I push them both on the ground and start screaming "I'm 9 months pregnant!! Are you telling me that I waddled all the way down here and I'm not going to get my Pepsi?!!!! Give me my Pepsi!!". And thus ended my dream, with the frightened faces of those poor little twins etched in my mind.
Sadly, that scenario could have happened while I was pregnant. Pregnancy does not sit well with me.
ziti chickpeas with sausage and kale
5 days ago
Hahaha, you are funny! I can picture it as clear as day in my head.
Haaaahaaahaaaa!!!!!! You just made my day!
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