
Behind the Times

I have been trying to be more diligent with housework and doing extra projects around the house and since the only time I can do anything productive (i.e. cleaning, blogging, folding clothes, organizing) is during Remy's naptime, I have let my blogging fall to the wayside.

Here is a recap of the last week.

We went to Hillcrest homecoming game (where my baby brother, David, was co-MVP with 3 receptions for 60 yards, a touchdown and he also put a guy out of the game on the other team)
and Remy walked up to this girl:

and gave her a hug from behind.

We had cinnamon rolls at Nana's house and Melissa and Esther came too.

Ahh, that picture is just priceless isn't it?

Remy and I went to Dairy Queen and shared fries and an ice cream cone. Fries are Remy's all time favorite.

He learned how to dip them in ketchup and thought that was just great.
And of course, as we do almost daily, we went to visit daddy at work and drove the tractor outside.

We also spent time at the park.

For the first time Remy was able to run around and climb on things himself which was great for both of us. We stayed longer because I was not bored with carrying him from thing to thing and he was happy because we stayed longer. Although its never long enough for Remy!!

1 comment:

Ryan & Molly said...

I'm PRETTY sure that the girl he hugged is my cousin's cousin (on the other side)...or my uncle's niece on the other side of that makes sense! hahahahahahahhahaha, nice.