
Mumbo Jumbo

I have lots of cute pictures and videos of Remy to post, but alas it shall not be. Why? Because I am trying to pack for our vacation that we leave for tomorrow! And by packing I mean that I have been washing clothes since yesterday, because I kept forgetting about them its a two day task, and making lists. Other than that I'm not really getting anywhere.
Its a little hard to pack when Remy won't let me do anything without him. Unless of course he is climbing the stairs. The first time he attempted to go higher than the first step he crawled all the way to the top of our stairs. There is no halfway with that kid. He also figured out how to climb over the folded up pack n play that we have been using as a makeshift baby gate upstairs. That means we have to purchase 3 baby gates. 3!!
Also on my list today is doing Pilates. I already did them once today, well at least attempted it. Remy thought it was great fun and climbed all over me, pushed on my legs when they were in the air and tried to copy what I was doing. I spent most of the time laughing at him or trying not to hit him with my limbs or trying to move him off the mat so I could use it. So basically I did 1/5 of the video. But I know, I just know, that if I do Pilates twice today I will have abs. Which I desperately need. After all, I only have bikinis and a post baby body. I have worn bikinis several times this summer but there is a big difference between going to a public beach where no one knows you and going on vacation with your husbands entire extended family, many who you have never met.
You might say "why even where a swimsuit". Silly question! You see my one desire for this vacation is that I get a tan. Vain? Shallow? Yes, but nonetheless its true.

Next week Remy turns 1! In honor of that I will have several posts celebrating his birthday - something for you all (4 people) to look forward to.

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