
Jackson's Favorites

Today Remy and I went to Fargo with my sister, Anna, and her adorable children, Jackson and Tucker. If you don't already know Jackson, he is a precocious little boy with amazing amounts of energy and really does say the darnedest things.
I was asking Jackson what his favorite things were and it was so funny I had to write it down. Here it is in order of how it was asked.

"Jackson, whats your favorite:"

Food: Race Cars

Animal: Animal crackers

Toys: Lures

Color: Purple Soap

Thing to do: Toys

Person: Mama (this may or may not have been because SOMEONE suggested it)

Friend. "Jackson....O and Tucker. I'm gonna miss Tucker, I tickle his eyes"

1 comment:

Tina said...

That's funny! He says some of the oddest things. I'm glad you took down his responses.