I have no pictures of this trip because our camera has dead batteries, plus I figured we probably don't NEED pictures of every trip because we will be going every 2 weeks for 3 months. There are only so many pictures I can post of Remy in his car seat.
They adjusted his CranioCap so that he has more room behind his ears and cut a little more out around his forehead so we can see his eyes better. Most of our time was spent on physical therapy. Because Remy is older than most babies they see, he is a lot smarter and has figured out how to "cheat" on his therapy at home. I can't even get him to do one of the poses they have us do because he starts screaming and wiggling and, sadly, I am not strong enough to get him into position and hold him there. The physical therapist showed us a couple things we can do with him in a sneaky way and also a couple new poses. Remy hated it all. At one point she had all the toys in the room on the side he does not like to turn to and he just looked at her in them mirror with disdain and then stared at the blank wall to the side he likes to turn.
I was encouraged because she said he can turn 75 degrees and when we first went in he could only turn 70 degrees, so there has been some improvement but we will just have to keep working at it and be more aware of what side his toys are on and which side we hold him on.
I have been amazed at how much the helmet has done already, I should have taken a before picture so you could see the difference. He has only had it 9 days and it has significantly improved his flat spot. His head still bulges to one side, which gives him the appearance of being lopsided, so that should start evening out soon as well. The CranioCap tech told us that his head is not as severe as a lot of kids she sees, which was great since the doctor told us that Remy was more severe than most of the kids they see in his age bracket. Obviously its not just in my head that the shape of his head is changing.
How To Propagate Succulents
5 days ago
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