Mostly I was excited for one hot day because Remy has a couple really really cute outfits that got handed down from my sister's boys that fit him perfectly right now, but by the time it is truly warm enough to wear them he will have outgrown them. So as soon as it sufficiently warmed up I put this cute little romper on him.
I took a picture of him in his stroller before the walk, but he was a little warm after so I refrained from taking anymore.
After we returned from our walk I fed Remy his supper. Now let me say a little disclaimer here - I realize that many people have their babies feeding themselves by this age and so you may be looking down your noses at me but there are a few reasons (as usual) why I have not attempted to have Remy feed himself yet. The main one being he is not interested. There were a couple of days where he needed to hold a spoon while I was feeding him but he soon lost interest in that. He is content to sit and look around and try to slide out of his high chair during meal times. The other reason is that I don't like sticky messes. Well, I plain don't like messes. I remember as a small child I was always trying so carefully to not get dirty and messy because it did not feel good to me, but for some reason I always was permanently sticky with a red ring around my mouth from what I don't know because we rarely got candy. Now I just have a messy house even though it greatly annoys me. Obviously my inherent laziness keeps me from having a clean house.
Anyways I have decided that Remy needs to at least start learning to feed himself. Seeing as he will be 9 months in a couple of days and still refuses to hold his bottle or sippy cup while drinking, I think if I don't start trying to help him along he will be 13 and I will still be spoon feeding him. Instead of not being able to attend sleepovers because he is scared of the dark or wets the bed, he won't be able to because he needs me along to feed him his supper and hold his glass when he needs a drink during the night.
First I fed Remy until he was relatively full and, more importantly, the bowl was mostly empty. I gave him the spoon and let him swirl it around in the bowl and play with it. He discarded the spoon as soon as he realized that HE COULD PUT HIS FINGERS IN THE BOWL. First he had to dip both hands in so the fingers could be equally coated (yes the OCD is already making an appearance), then I made the mistake of letting go of the bowl and he realized that HE COULD HOLD THE BOWL ON HIS OWN.
Here is a picture of him struggling to the get the bowl out of my grasp because he is much to grown up to need my help anymore!
And finally he realizes HE CAN DUMP THE CEREAL OUT OF THE BOWL!
After playing in the little pile of cereal for awhile I decided it was time to clean up. I turned around and saw Remy looking at his hands in complete amazement. Maybe he couldn't believe how evenly he had coated his hands with cereal, maybe he couldn't believe that I let him get messy or maybe he finally realized the power his little hands have.
That is so cute! I love how mesmerized he was by his hands.
Oh your little boy is getting so big. It is cute to see him in Jackie and Tucker's cloths, it does not seem like that long ago that they were wearing that hat.
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