Gillette's sent home some literature for us to read about Plagiocephaly and Torticollis. Perhaps one of the most interesting was a study done about the use of CranioCaps. It said that 100% of the parents who participated in the study would do the treatment again. I kind of wish they would have given that to me to read while we were trying to make the decision.
Remy's Torticollis explains a couple of things.
1. Most babies who have Torticollis have reflux problems which results in a crabby baby. Remy acted like his tummy was upset for the first 6-8 weeks of his life and was colicky.
2. The reason Remy never liked being on his tummy is because he is essentially using half of his neck to hold up his large head.
While I was reading through the literature it also said that babies with Torticollis should only have limited time in johnny-jumpers and excersaucers. Whoops!
I am not sure if the therapy is helping already or if Remy was already at the point where he was starting to do these things but he is spending a lot more time playing on his belly and will generally roll over or fall over so he can be on his tummy. Today he scooted around on the wood floor, backwards since thats the only way he knows how to go, and made it from the dining room into our guest bedroom.
There are a couple things that concern me about the CranioCap and therapy that are all money related. We will be going down to the Maple Grove twice a month which means gas and food money. Since we are on a tight budget right now anyways I don't really know where we will come up with the extra money but I am trusting God will provide. The biggest concern is that my car is about 100,000 miles overdue for a new timing belt. Thats right 100,000 miles. I have been pretty lucky that my timing belt has not flown off and caused damage to other things but if I am going to be making a 6 hour round trip twice a month it should really be replaced. We have the actual timing belt we just need to come up with the money to get it installed. Normally Nic would just do it but because of the placement of the belt the engine basically has to be moved first. I also need an oil change quite badly and I have synthetic oil in my car which means, although I need oil changes less often, its more expensive to do the actual oil change.
Thankfully it is now planting season so Nic will be working quite a few hours of overtime weekly, which he does not work during the winter. I am trusting that God will provide the rest of the money as we need it.
I would definitely appreciate prayers for my car. Its has been ridiculously reliable but it is getting up there in miles and age and I just don't want anything to go wrong with it during the next 3-4 months as we make those trips to Maple Grove.
How To Propagate Succulents
4 days ago
It's amazing to me how much info they DON'T give you...that would've been so nice to know!
Glad to hear he's scooting around - take a little video sometime! :)
I would give you a car if I could but I need it for work :( Hope that Hond continues to hold out. You know you can stay with us when you are down here right?
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