I have very very vivid and very very out there dreams. I used to have pretty average normal dreams with a weird one here and there but since I got pregnant with Remy I began a whole new world of dreaming and lately it has just gotten more out there.
Last night I had a couple weird dreams, on of them involving Nic being married to a woman who looked like a meth addict in which we were deciding if we were going to get back together again...but I won't get into that one. The one I will tell you about is The One With The Jessica Simpson Diaper Bag.
To explain where I think this is coming from; when my sister, Anna, and I have the chance to go shopping we usually stop at Macy's and look at purses. Usually the ones we love are Jessica Simpson purses which is kind of embarrassing but they really are very nice. ANYWAYS.
In my dream I was helping my mother-in-law clean up her basement after moles came in and messed everything up (please bear in mind this is a dream and therefore probably won't make sense). While cleaning up I found a brand new diaper bag with the tags still on. It was black with a light blue strip around the top. I took it over to my mother-in-law and said "look at this nice new diaper bag, can I give it to Melissa?". (Melissa is my sister-in-law who has a 4 1/2 month old baby girl and a diaper bag that she is not too fond of) Naomi said something non-committal and I go over to the corner to look at said diaper bag.
There are pockets after pockets after pockets. Pockets for diapers, pockets for clothes even a built in wallet. To top it off there in a middle divider there are holders for different sized bottles, all lined up neatly, and the piece de resistance? One whole section has different sized baby leggings with feet so that you can actually put your baby IN the diaper bag and the little leggings hold them in place. I am suddenly overcome with diaper bag lust and then I happen to look at the bottom and it says JESSICA SIMPSON. I must have it.
I nonchalantly walk back over to Naomi, by this time the bag has changed color. It is a soft, fuzzy fabric in different colored strips, looking suspiciously like a blanket my friend, Molly, has knit for me in real life. I show Naomi all of the cool features and than, off handedly say "I think I am going to give Melissa my old diaper bag and keep this one." I rationalize this because in real life Melissa had bought a diaper bag like mine, in a different color, and was "encouraged" by her husband to return it. So then why wouldn't she want my sloppy seconds since she had wanted a new one like it?!
Remy started crying so I woke up then but I have to say I was pretty appalled at how quickly, in my dream, I went from being generous and giving to greedy. I hope that doesn't mirror real life.
How To Propagate Succulents
6 days ago
aAhhhaahhhaahhaaaaa! I laughed so hard I almost peed my pants! Leg holes for kids? Haaahaaa! Why hasn't anyone made a diaper bag that you can carry your kid in? They have them for dogs, they should make them for babies too!
check it out diaper bag/baby carrier:
It's not the same, but you HAD to know I would google that! :)
I love hearing about your dreams I rarely have crazy ones and if I do I don't remember them!
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