For Christmas Grandpa and Grandma gave Remy a wagon. It was red but didn't have the wooden sides. I decided that I really wanted one with the wooden sides. We live close to both of the grocery stores in our town, and I thought it would be so nice this summer to take Remy in the wagon and go grocery shopping. Since Remy will still be pretty little the wooden sides would make sure that he would not fall over the sides. So we returned the red wagon, which is very unlike me. I rarely ever return gifts unless its clothing that doesn't fit right and I simply get a different size. I think its so rude to return gifts that were picked out thoughtfully for me. So I hope my parents were not offended.
Originally we were going to return it for a classic red one, but Nic works at a John Deere dealer and wanted to get a John Deere wagon. We finally picked it up yesterday and had Remy try it out in the house.
As you can see he loved it!
We already have a red wagon with sides so I think I will use the one from Mom and Dad for garden stuff until Grace gets a little bigger. Or until we can't fit two little kids in the high sides one any more!
So cute! He's such a happy little guy! We had fun playing with him last night at the party-he really liked Emma!
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