
Lil' Pookie

When Remy was pretty freshly hatched and we were trying to get him to sleep longer at night we started a bed time routine. We would give him a bath (which he loved), put his pajamas on (which he did not love), rub him with lotion (he loved this too) and read him a book before giving him his bottle. I never thought he really like reading books because he would scream through the entire time we would read to him. In all fairness he was 6 weeks at the time and who could blame him? By the time he was 3 months he had been sleeping through the night for quite a while so we cut out reading to him. After taking care of him all day I was tired too and since he didn't seem to like reading too well I decided to eliminate that step. He still slept through the night so I relegated his books back to the shelf and didn't think much about it.

When I had been reading to him at night I read him his Little Pookie book almost religiously. It was one of the few baby books I actually liked. It actually has a story line, but is not overly long and has cute illustrations. Overall the book is pretty darn adorable.

About a month ago Remy was sitting on the floor playing with his toys and I absentmindedly gave him the Little Pookie book. When I gave him that book he grabbed it and held on for dear life, lifted it above his head and started wailing/singing at it. So whenever I sat him down to play with his toys I would put that book in the mix and he would always go for it first. A couple weeks ago he was sitting on the floor fussing, surrounded by his toys. So I got down on the floor, picked up his Lil' Pookie book, and started reading. To my surprise he sat there perfectly still, eyes glued to the book, listening intently. Since then I have discovered that he LOVES to be read too. Any book will do, but if given a choice, he still always goes for Lil' Pookie. I now read it to him at least twice a day.

Which brings me to the point of all of this. Since a blog post I posted a week or two ago Remy has gotten significantly more cuddly. He occasionally cuddles on the couch with me, usually cuddles on the couch after his night time bottle but most significantly; every time I go to lay him down for a nap/bedtime I now sit in the rocking chair for 2-5 minutes rocking him AND HE LAYS HIS HEAD AGAINST MY SHOULDER. Remy has never snuggled his whole body against me, not since the day he was born. He has always had control of his head and held it up with every ounce of determination he could muster in his little body. But now I sit down, rock a couple times and down goes his head as he snuggles in.
Today as I was reading him his Lil' Pookie book I suddenly had an epiphany. The story starts with a sad Lil' Pookie and his mommy trying to figure out what is wrong.

The mommy asks logical questions like: "Did you lose your old Teddy?" and when he says no to all of the logical questions, she starts asking silly questions and finally at the end, gives up and begs him to tell her whats wrong and he says "um, I forget". But look at the picture, Lil' Pookie is all snuggled up against his mommy. Remy always looks very intently at that last picture. Call me crazy, but I think he realized that Lil' Pookie snuggles with his mommy and so should Remy. Whatever it is I am loving it!

I believe this is actually part of a series of Little Pookie books, so if anyone is looking for gift ideas for Remy.....


Anna said...

Awwwww! That is so sweet! I love it that he wants to cuddle now! When are the two of you going to come over again?

Molly said...

SO cute! I'm glad he's more snuggly now. :)

Tina said...

Oh, I'm glad your little boy wants to cuddle now! It must be so nice. Give him a hug for me!