This post is meant as good fun. A ton of people I know (and don't know) have blogs because of their kids, much like I have a blog for my kid. Its pretty funny to me how intense mothers get. Not that I don't understand, try getting me to mess with Remy's schedule and see what happens! I just think its funny how WRONG some things are in baby care today and how RIGHT other things are. Really, in 18 years when we look back are we going to think "hmm, I think my son is so smart, healthy and well-adjusted because I had him wear cloth diapers?". Probably not.
I realize that a lot of thought and love goes into the decisions we make in caring for and raising our children and I'm not trying to belittle that at all. I just think people should know its ok to do things how it works for your family and your baby as opposed to doing something because you feel pressured by all the good little mamas around you.
1. I formula feed my baby. You read that right. I don't breastfeed. I am sure there are a lot of people who would say that I could have if I had tried harder, or stuck it out longer and maybe their right. But this is what worked for me, and more importantly its what worked for my baby.
2. I use disposable diapers. And I LOVE them. I'm gonna go ahead and say that my little guy is not going to have reproductive problems because he doesn't wear cloth diapers. Plus I'm not planning on having a lot, if any more, children so I don't feel bad about contributing to land fills.
3. I feed my baby Gerber, store bought food. Its not that I'm opposed to feeding him homemade food, to be honest I do it for convenience sake. And I don't feel guilty about it one bit.
4. I had my baby circumcised and I don't regret it at all.
5. My baby has probably watched more tv in his short life than most kids do by age 2. I don't care because he was happiest in front of the tv for the first few months of his life and now, out of habit, I have the tv on most of the time.
6. I don't co-sleep with my baby and only did a handful of times. He never really liked it, so I didn't make him.
7. I doubt Remy has eaten anything organic, if so its by accident. Not that I have anything against organic food, I just don't get all up in arms about things like that. Lets be honest, in a few years he is going to be living off Oreo's and Doritos just like his good ol' mom.
So there you go. I love my baby with 110% of my heart! He is a happy, healthy, growing little guy. I'm not a perfect mother, but neither is anyone else.
How To Propagate Succulents
4 days ago
Spot on. Can't wait to see you! :)
Hahaha, feeling a little pressure to do things differently? Maybe you should stop reading My Charming Kids. Good blog though, I laughed!
Its not so much that blog, its more other people that I know or who know people I know. You wouldn't believe how much people like to guilt trip other people!
Hey! You might be interested to know that there was a study on cloth vs. disposable diapers and disposable diapers are actually better for the environment! Who knew! I heard about it on NPR one day. Apparently it has something to do with the amount of water and energy used to clean cloth diapers. After that, I never felt one little ounce of guilt over using disposable diapers. Only the pinch in my wallet! :)
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