This time around it was almost as disastrous. The pool has a little sprayer, you hook up the hose and turn it on slightly and it sprays out the front of the pool. I set Remy down in front of the pool and ran to turn on the hose, I turned it on ever so slightly and ran back around the house. Remy was standing by the pool screaming because the spray was shooting him in the face. Evidently the ever so slightly was enough to practically knock him over. I moved him and went and turned the water basically off and then we tried again. Once Remy got over being scared he thought it was great fun!
Remy has definitely started walking more than crawling and after we were done with the pool we played in the backyard and he figured out that he could walk around the house.
Anyways, we have an oak tree in the front yard and right now most of the front lawn is covered in acorns. Remy would toddle around the house and find an acorn and try to shove it in his mouth before I could stop him. I would take the acorn out, pick him up (cue screaming), carry him around to the back yard and set him down. He would take off for the front yard and we would repeat the scenario all over again.
I just love when he is adventuresome!
And here is a picture of him with an acorn stuffed in his cheek.
Ahahhahahhaa! That IS the cutest romper ever. :)
Gota love those kids, the more times you take them away from something the more exciting that something is!
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