I think I have mentioned a few times that Remy is not very affectionate or cuddly. I am very affectionate and cuddly and its very easy for me to feel disconnected from Remy because he does not want hugs and definitely never wants to cuddle with me. Remy has given one hug, to Nic and he will tolerate kisses and occasionally he will give a kiss if I bug him enough.
Yesterday was a particularly rough day. Remy and I had an incident in the morning that left me feeling like a horrible mother and frankly, I just did not want to be a mom that day. I didn't want to struggle through every minute of the day because Remy is not happy unless he is on the go, as in not at home. And if we are home he is only happy when we are outside which is tricky since its been tough to find a day that isn't either blazing hot or raining. Nic is the only one who understands what life at home with Remy is like because whenever Remy is around someone other than Nic or I, he is entertained. About 75% of the time we are home he is either crying, fussing or throwing a tantrum. It can get draining.
I tried to find some comfort on the internet yesterday but everything I read from other mothers went a little something like this: "sometimes I get frustrated with being a mom but then my (son/daughter) gives me a hug or kiss, or says 'I love you mommy' or snuggles next to me in bed and it makes everything worth it."
Great, that never happens to me. By this time I am feeling particularly sorry for myself (I know - I blow everything way out of proportion). Thankfully Remy decided to take his first real nap in 48 hours and so I decided to take a nap myself hoping that a little sleep with improve my mood.
After a sweet hour and a half nap I wake up to Remy babbling in the next room. So I got up, go into his room and pick him up from his crib. Remy gives me a big smile and then laid his head against my shoulder and gave me a hug!!!
Something so small and so ordinary in most mother's lives but a miracle in mine. I know that God knew I needed that and I hope that when I get discouraged I remember that little hug instead of dwelling on all of the negative things.
ziti chickpeas with sausage and kale
5 days ago
1 comment:
I hope this is the start of many a hug for his mommy. I'm sorry that he does not hug much, if it makes you feel better, Grace is getting better at it so maybe he will to!
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