Remy is very strong willed and recently he has been exhibiting the temper I was so hoping he wouldn't get. As Nic put it "well he has my temper and your stubbornness, what a deadly combination.". (I should say here so as to not hurt Nic's feelings that his temper isn't that bad, its just not the Asche Lets Avoid Confrontation At All Costs temperment, however I can say nothing to defend my stubbornness.)
Ah yes - sweet, wonderful little Remy can turn, in an instant, into a red-faced, hysterically screaming little child with one innocent little "no" from me (how is that for a sentence full of adjectives and commas?!).
Wednesday morning he was just being a handful. Probably because I decided to try to wean him from formula and a bottle. And by wean I mean stop cold turkey. Both me and Remy are creatures of habit in this mother/baby relationship and I knew that he would never give up the bottle unless I just cut him off. Not only because he likes things to stay just so in his adorable baby OCD way, but because I will do practically anything to make him happy (especially since he likes to tend towards the cranky side and, much like my dad, I just want us all to get along) I will keep giving him bottles until the day he goes to school just to keep him happy.
Since he is switching from formula to cows milk now I decided to just do it all at once in the spirit of keeping all the changes together at the same time. Or maybe its because Remy refuses to drink formula out of a sippy cup - take your pick.
All of that to say that he was most definitely cranky Wednesday morning. So cranky in fact that I caved and gave him a bottle with formula at 9. Thats right, we made it 2 1/2 stinking hours (although my resolve has strengthened since). Still, Remy fussed around all morning, crying when I was in the shower, falling off the stool in the kitchen while I was bringing laundry down from upstairs, insisting on playing the dishwasher. The final straw came when I was trying to load the dishwasher before I fed him his lunch a little after 11. He was playing with his fancy new LeapFrog toy that Grandpa and Grandma gave him for his birthday, its a large magnet so it sits on the fridge which is right next to the garbage can. The garbage can has a swinging top which Remy loves to stick his hands under, grossing me out from the amount of germs he could get so I don't let him do that.
After I threw some old food in the garbage it caught Remy's attention and he toddled over to stick his hands in. After repeatedly telling him (quite vigorously I might add) "NO!", he kept doing it while simultaneously having his usual meltdown when he doesn't get his way. Finally at my whits end I picked him up, informed him that he was getting a time-out (like a 1 year old gets the concept of that, great parenting on my part!) and took him upstairs to sit in his crib for 5 minutes. I sat him up instead of laying him down and didn't turn his music on which he has to listen to when going to sleep and left the room.
I went back downstairs and finished loading the dishwasher, fully intending to go and get him in 5 minutes so I could feed him lunch. He didn't make one peep, the second I had picked him up downstairs he had quit crying anyways. I didn't hear any jumping on the bed, or even soft talking to himself nor the loud complaining I thought I would hear. So I thought as long as he was happy I would leave him there. Half an hour later he was still silent - the darn kid fell asleep and took a hour and a half nap!
He always has to show me who is boss - "Hmmph! She thinks she is going to give me a time-out? I'll show her and take a nap!"
Love that kid.
How To Propagate Succulents
1 day ago
1 comment:
We sometimes put Grace down for a nap when she will not listen. She usually just needs to go lay down for a while. Are they getting to the age where we are going to have to discipline more??!!??
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