Here is my precious little boy an hour or so ago. Look at that hair. No Asche grandbaby of this generation has ever had such hair at this early of an age. O how I love that hair. How it flops when he bounces in his excersaucer and how it almost reaches his eyebrows. I did not plan on cutting this baby hair until a couple years in the future.
See the red splotches on his face? Thats a rash thats forming from his CranioCap. Mostly because any hair that hits his forehead is wet from sweat when we take his helmet off.
As I mentioned in my last post I was thinking about cutting his hair because it was not working well with his helmet. Since we were told to use Aquaphor or Vaseline to form a barrier if he started to get a rash I decided that I should cut his hair in case I needed to do that. Not to mention that less hair should mean his head will stay cooler anyways.
I looked for our clippers today but couldn't find them so I borrowed a pair from Nic's brother Matt. I have actually never cut hair before and was a little nervous, not to mention kind of heartbroken, that Remy was was going to be my first haircut.
First I tried putting him on a chair with the intent of tying him to it with a dish towel. But he wanted to move around so I decided to put him on the floor with some toys. He actually did really well considering I was by myself and had no one else to distract him. He occassionally tried to twist his head around to see what I was doing but did not fuss at all.
Here he is after the haircut (sniff). He looks more like an Asche baby now.
Its so short. But it will grow. Sometimes its hard to do whats best for your baby when its not what you want.
Here is the hair I cut off. Well, most of it.
The rest I successfully tracked all over the house. I am sure we will be picking baby hairs off everything for quite a long time.
I am hesistant to throw away his baby hair, is that creepy? I think its in the movie "Fever Pitch" where they are talking about how older men that aren't married all have weird secrets or habits. One girl brings up the guy who kept all his hair clippings in a garbage bag in his closet. Maybe I will keep all of Remy's hair clippings in a bag in my closet over the years. Just kidding....I think.
invisible apple cake
3 weeks ago
Oh it's okay Rachel, he still has more hair than Grace!
Oh! Remy's new haircut looks so cute! Don't worry, I saved a little bit of hair from Jackson's first haircut. Seth's boss even gave me a litte wooden box to keep it in.
Of course, I've been too lazy to actually put the hair in the box. It's still in a ziploc baggie...
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