Thursday night we got Remy an umbrella stroller because we planned on going to Ikea on Friday and did not have room for his large stroller.
This is what he thought of it.
After stopping at a Caribou to get hot water for his bottle, realizing he wet through his pants and the other onesie I had along had a poop stain on the back, we hit the outlet mall and got Remy an adorable little overall outfit for super cheap.
From there we went straight to Cabela's where Remy crawled around on the floor looking at fishing lures, ate his food while screaming at passerby's in the dining area and praticed driving boats and pontoons.
After realizing that I had not left quite enough time for Ikea before Remy's therapy we beat it out of Cabela's and headed down to Bloomington.
We found lots of good deals and I got a sweet new faucet for the kitchen and sadly left behind a wardrobe that was really cheap. But we really had no way of getting it home.
Because we got to Ikea late we were late to therapy. But since it was Memorial Day weekend they were not fully booked so it worked out fine. The therapist showed us some new tricks since Remy is mobile and also informed us that we should not let him crawl his little monkey crawl. We are supposed to hold down his leg so he has to crawl on his knees. Otherwise he will use the monkey crawl to continue holding his head at the angle he prefers.
We at supper at PF Changs. YUM!! I tried to get a picture of Nic and Remy in front of the large horse out front, but this was the best I got.
Here is Remy with Eddy and his girlfriend Bethany. It was an absolutely beautiful day and Remy had all sorts of fun playing with his cousin Grace, screaming at baby Ayla and seeing lots of family.
Sunday we skipped church in favor of a nap and went to Mark and Naomi's for lunch. Remy played with his cousins and spent a lot of time getting books read to him. He was in heaven!
After lunch Remy and I took off for Grand Forks while Nic went fishing. My cousin, Holly, had an open house where we saw even more family and Remy had a good time looking at all the cute teenage girls. I tried to get him to smell a flowering tree (apple tree, dogwood? not sure) and he recoiled in horror. Too bad I didn't get a picture of that.
We got home around 9 last night and Remy was already asleep.
None of my pictures from today turned out but we met Molly and Ryan, along with Anna and Seth and boys at Dairy Queen for some ice cream and then Remy and I brought chicken salad sandwiches to Nic at work and we had a little indoor picnic there.
Remy is sleeping now and I am catching up on laundry. I think we need a vacation from our weekend!!
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