I have known that by 9 months most babies can eat table food. Remy is 10 months and I have still not given him table food, while other than crackers which he can no longer have since he bites them off and swallows without chewing. I have just been too worried that the food will be too spicy, too rich or too full of dairy for his little body.
I decided tonight was the night to start feeding him table food. Maybe not much, but enough to get him started and to make me feel a little more comfortable feeding him table food.
We were having beef stroganoff and peas for supper. My thought process went something like this "Beef stroganoff, its rich, what if its too rich, it has dairy in it. What if it upsets his little tummy? Good grief Rachel, he's 10 months!! Are you going to keep feeding him jarred baby food until he is 10 YEARS old?!".
So I got out his little ducky plate and food grinder my sister had given me. I set him up to the table and gave him a couple spoonfuls of stroganoff/noodle puree which he gobbled right down. I set down his spoon for a minute and went in the kitchen to get myself some food. While I was walking away I noticed he picked up his spoon.
All of the sudden I hear Nic laughing and telling Remy "good job!!". Remy had picked up the spoon, scooped up some stroganoff and PUT IT IN HIS MOUTH!
He continued spooning stroganoff in his mouth like he had been doing it for weeks. So far no spit up and no upset tummy so I am guessing its sitting alright with him.
Well, of course he started feeding himself! I'm sure table food has a lot more flavor than that bland store bought stuff!
I love it! Good job Remy! (And you too Rachel for taking the plunge!)
Good job Remy! Grace has not mastered that skill yet. Just think of the time it will save you if he can feed himself....now you will be able to eat!
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