As a result of Remy crawling he is wildly trying to touch anything and everything that looks interesting. Its pretty amazing how much happier he is cruising around the living room playing with different things. Like most small children he is enamored with the DVD Player/Stereo in our entertainment center.
I decided now was as good a time as ever to start teaching him "no". He is still a little young to understand but he might as well get used to hearing it, haha. Every time he reached for the stereo I would gently pull his hand away and calmly say "no". We did this several times and then I would try distracting him with a toy since that is so much more effective at this age. He is not very distractable. As my mother-in-law said "Well, he sure doesn't have ADD!". He would promptly return to trying to play with the stereo and I would keep saying no and then try distracting him
But then he started laughing every time I said no. Hmm, not a good sign.
Nic picked him up and put him across the room and he crawled back and we repeated above scenario. Finally Nic pointed out that he was doing it because he was getting attention from me. We have not been interacting with him much because he just has not been at the age where he can play and really has not been interested. However in the last few days we have really noticed how much he needs attention from us, and really thrives on having play time with one of us.
So I decided that I need to be very intentional about paying attention to him when he is being good, rather than just when he is getting into things. If he realizes that he gets attention when he does something naughty, and only then, why in the world would I expect him to be good?
Sounds like a good theory doesn't it? We'll see how it plays out. If there is one thing I have learned its that babies take well thought out theories, squish them, drool on them and all around destroy them until they are unreconizable.
Remy and I had a little play time after I had that thought and it was so hilarious. I'll let the video speak for itself. Please disregard my glaringly pale legs. If I had known I was going to be videotaped I would have put some pants on.
How To Propagate Succulents
6 days ago
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