Nic brought home a surprise for Remy yesterday. This wooden tractor has been at Nic's work for years, it belonged to his boss Cal who just recently retired. Someone had mentioned to Cal that Nic was interested in the tractor and he surprised him by giving it to him for Remy! Its quited detailed and the steering wheel does turn the wheels. It even has a fan that turns in the front of the tractor.
I was at work when Nic got Remy up form his nap and put him on the tractor but he absolutely loved it! I guess boys just inately know how to use a steering wheel.

He really likes the big wheels.

You can see how dusty the tractor was in this picture but I had to put it up because Remy is just beside himself with excitement in this picture. He always throws his arm out like that when he gets really worked up.

Now all Remy wants to do is sit on the tractor. He isn't that interested in his excersaucer or sitting on the floor as long as he can see the tractor. Its pretty high off the floor for the little guy so I don't dare leave him sitting there by himself, but I think if I did he would probably sit on it all day. It will get moved up to his room tonight so I have a feeling that we will be spending lots of time in his room in the near future.
He looks so excited! I love the picture where he's touching the wheel!
SO CUTE! The excitement is palpable!
Oh man what a cool tractor! He will be able to play with that for years... That is unless he is anything like our brothers and takes it apart as soon as he can hold a screwdriver. He looks so excited about it!
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