Remy's forehead is covered with scratches. Covered. Not to mention a funny little rash on both sides of his face where he likes to rub his hands while he is going to sleep. You see he has extremely sharp little fingernails and he likes to scratch his forehead when he is in bed. I am not sure if he does it while he is going to sleep or when he wakes up, but there is rarely a time I go get him out of bed and he doesn't have a new scratch. And these are not little tiny surface scratches, they are loooong, deeeeep, blooooody scratches.
I cut his fingernails twice a week, at the least once a week. And he still has the sharpest, fastest growing nails ever.
So Nic suggested the brilliant idea of having him wear mitts when he sleeps. We don't have mitts - so he said use socks. I have to say I was hesitant at first. We put him down for naps and bedtime with his nook, but he usually spits it out pretty soon after going to bed and sucks on his thumb to go to pacify himself while he goes to sleep. If he wears socks on his hands he can't do that. So the question was, do I want a pretty baby or do I want a rested baby? I, after much thought, decided I wanted a rested baby. But then; vanity won out. I mean, he is such a cute baby, but when people see him all they see is the bloody mess that is his forehead. My dad asked me if I dropped him because he had such a nice scab at Christmas! But I decided he would only wear one sock, on the hand he doesn't usually suck on and the hand that he most definitely scratches with.
So this morning I laid him down for his nap and dutifully put a sock over his left hand. When I went to get him an hour later the sock was off. Hmm, well he must have worked it off after a long time. When I laid him down for his second nap, I again put the sock on his left hand, and again when he woke up it was off. Only this time I didn't want him to wake up yet so I tried putting his nook back in and turning the music on in hopes he would go back to sleep (he still sounded a leeetle tired, or maybe I was still a little tired?). I also put his sock back on. Well about 2 minutes after that he let me know quite firmly that he was NOT interested in staying in his bed. So I went up to get him and sure enough, there is the sock flung across the bed.
He can't hold his bottle yet, still doesn't roll over and has iffy toy holding skills - but if he doesn't want a sock on he is not going to wear a sock!! So I guess I will continue having a scratched and bloody baby. I have taken to filing his nails every day which hopefully will help a little bit. If not, I guess he is just conditioning himself to be a rough and tumble boy.
How To Propagate Succulents
5 days ago
Haahaa! I can just see his grumpy little face as he flings that sock across his bed! Maybe he likes the attention that his scratches garner, or maybe he's just trying to express himself. You shouldn't try to stifle his creativity. Maybe it's a new art form ;)
I could've sworn that I commented on this post before. Maybe I did in one of my dreams or something! AHHAHAHA
Oh little Remy, inherited that stubborn gene didn't he? ;) He has an itch and by george, he's going to SCRATCH IT!
Love you and miss you lots and lots! I hope we'll be able to come and see you sometime soon.
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